Aspose::Pdf::Matrix3D class

Matrix3D class

Class represents transformation matrix.

class Matrix3D : public System::Object


Add(System::SharedPtr<Matrix3D>)Adds matrix to other matrix.
Equals(System::SharedPtr<System::Object>) overrideCompares matrix against other object.
get_A()A member of the transformation matrix.
get_B()B member of the transformation matrix.
get_C()C member of the transformation matrix.
get_D()D member of the transformation matrix.
get_E()E member of the transformation matrix.
get_F()F member of the transformation matrix.
get_G()G member of the transformation matrix.
get_H()H member of the transformation matrix.
get_I()I member of the transformation matrix.
get_Tx()Tx member of the transformation matrix.
get_Ty()Ty member of the transformation matrix.
get_Tz()Tz member of the transformation matrix.
static GetAngle(Rotation)Translates rotation into angle (degrees)
GetHashCode() const overrideHash-code for object.
Matrix3D()Constructor creates standard 1 to 1 matrix: [ A B C D E F G H I Tx Ty Tz] = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 , 0].
Matrix3D(System::ArrayPtr<double>)Constructor accepts a matrix with following array representation: [ A B C D E F G H I Tx Ty Tz].
Matrix3D(System::SharedPtr<Matrix3D>)Constructor accepts a matrix to create a copy.
Matrix3D(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)Initializes transformation matrix with specified coefficients.
set_A(double)A member of the transformation matrix.
set_B(double)B member of the transformation matrix.
set_C(double)C member of the transformation matrix.
set_D(double)D member of the transformation matrix.
set_E(double)E member of the transformation matrix.
set_F(double)F member of the transformation matrix.
set_G(double)G member of the transformation matrix.
set_H(double)H member of the transformation matrix.
set_I(double)I member of the transformation matrix.
set_Tx(double)Tx member of the transformation matrix.
set_Ty(double)Ty member of the transformation matrix.
set_Tz(double)Tz member of the transformation matrix.
ToString() const overrideReturns text representation of the matrix.

See Also