Aspose::Pdf::NamedDestinationCollection class

NamedDestinationCollection class

Class represents the collection of all destinations (a name tree mapping name strings to destinations (see, “Named Destinations”) and (see 7.7.4, “Name Dictionary”)) in the pdf document.

class NamedDestinationCollection : public Aspose::Pdf::INamedDestinationCollection


Add(System::String, System::SharedPtr<Annotations::IAppointment>) overrideAdd new named destination.
get_Count() overrideCount of named destinations.
get_Names() overrideList of names of the destinations.
idx_get(System::String) overrideGets appointment by its name.
idx_set(System::String, System::SharedPtr<Annotations::IAppointment>) overrideSets appointment by its name.
Remove(System::String) overrideDelete named destination.

See Also