Aspose::Pdf::Outlines class

Outlines class

Class describes collection of outlines.

class Outlines : public System::Collections::Generic::ICollection<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::OutlineItemCollection>>


virtual Add(const System::SharedPtr<OutlineItemCollection>&)Adds outline item to collection.
virtual Clear()Clears all items from the collection.
virtual Contains(const System::SharedPtr<OutlineItemCollection>&) constAlways throws NotImplementedException.
virtual CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<OutlineItemCollection>>, int32_t)Copies the outline entries to an System.Array, starting at a particular System.Array index.
virtual get_Count() constGets count.
virtual get_IsReadOnly() constGets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only.
virtual get_VisibleCount()Gets the total number of outline items at all levels in the document outline hierarchy.
virtual GetEnumerator()Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
virtual Remove(const System::SharedPtr<OutlineItemCollection>&)Remove outline collection item.

See Also