Aspose::Pdf::PdfPageStamp class

PdfPageStamp class

Class represents stamp which uses PDF page as stamp.

class PdfPageStamp : public Aspose::Pdf::Stamp


get_Background() constSets or gets a bool value that indicates the content is stamped as background. If the value is true, the stamp content is layed at the bottom. By defalt, the value is false, the stamp content is layed at the top.
get_BottomMargin() constGets bottom margin of stamp.
virtual get_Height()Desired height of the stamp on the page.
get_HorizontalAlignment() constGets Horizontal alignment of stamp on the page.
get_LeftMargin() constGets left margin of stamp.
get_Opacity() constGets a value to indicate the stamp opacity. The value is from 0.0 to 1.0. By default the value is 1.0.
get_OutlineOpacity() constGets a value to indicate the stamp outline opacity. The value is from 0.0 to 1.0. By default the value is 1.0.
get_OutlineWidth() constGets a value of the stamp outline width. By default the value is 1.0.
get_PdfPage() constGets page which will be used as stamp.
get_RightMargin() constGets right margin of stamp.
get_Rotate()Sets or gets the rotation of stamp content according Rotation values. Note. This property is for set angles which are multiples of 90 degrees (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees). To set arbitrary angle use RotateAngle property. If angle set by ArbitraryAngle is not multiple of 90 then Rotate property returns Rotation.None.
get_RotateAngle()Gets rotate angle of stamp in degrees. This property allows to set arbitrary rotate angle.
get_TopMargin() constGets top margin of stamp.
get_VerticalAlignment() constGets vertical alignment of stamp on page.
virtual get_Width()Desired width of the stamp on the page.
get_XIndent() constHorizontal stamp coordinate, starting from the left.
get_YIndent() constVertical stamp coordinate, starting from the bottom.
get_Zoom() constZooming factor of the stamp. Allows to scale stamp. Please note that pair of properties ZoomX and ZoomY allows to set zoom factor for every axe separately. Setting of this property changes both ZoomX and ZoomY properties. If ZoomX and ZoomY are different then Zoom property returns ZoomX value.
get_ZoomX() constHorizontal zooming factor of the stamp. Allows to scale stamp horizontally.
get_ZoomY() constVertical zooming factor of the stamp. Allows to scale stamp vertically.
getStampId()Returns stamp ID.
PdfPageStamp(System::SharedPtr<Page>)Constructor of PdfPageStamp.
PdfPageStamp(System::String, int32_t)Creates Pdf page stamp from specifed page of the document in specified file.
PdfPageStamp(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>, int32_t)Creates Pdf page stamp from specifed page in the document from the stream.
Put(System::SharedPtr<Page>) overridePut stamp on the specified page.
set_Background(bool)Sets or gets a bool value that indicates the content is stamped as background. If the value is true, the stamp content is layed at the bottom. By defalt, the value is false, the stamp content is layed at the top.
set_BottomMargin(double)Sets bottom margin of stamp.
virtual set_Height(double)Desired height of the stamp on the page.
set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment)Sets Horizontal alignment of stamp on the page.
set_LeftMargin(double)Sets left margin of stamp.
set_Opacity(double)Sets a value to indicate the stamp opacity. The value is from 0.0 to 1.0. By default the value is 1.0.
set_OutlineOpacity(double)Sets a value to indicate the stamp outline opacity. The value is from 0.0 to 1.0. By default the value is 1.0.
set_OutlineWidth(double)Sets a value of the stamp outline width. By default the value is 1.0.
set_PdfPage(System::SharedPtr<Page>)Sets page which will be used as stamp.
set_RightMargin(double)Sets right margin of stamp.
set_Rotate(Rotation)Sets or gets the rotation of stamp content according Rotation values. Note. This property is for set angles which are multiples of 90 degrees (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees). To set arbitrary angle use RotateAngle property. If angle set by ArbitraryAngle is not multiple of 90 then Rotate property returns Rotation.None.
set_RotateAngle(double)Sets rotate angle of stamp in degrees. This property allows to set arbitrary rotate angle.
set_TopMargin(double)Sets top margin of stamp.
set_VerticalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::VerticalAlignment)Sets vertical alignment of stamp on page.
virtual set_Width(double)Desired width of the stamp on the page.
set_XIndent(double)Horizontal stamp coordinate, starting from the left.
set_YIndent(double)Vertical stamp coordinate, starting from the bottom.
set_Zoom(double)Zooming factor of the stamp. Allows to scale stamp. Please note that pair of properties ZoomX and ZoomY allows to set zoom factor for every axe separately. Setting of this property changes both ZoomX and ZoomY properties. If ZoomX and ZoomY are different then Zoom property returns ZoomX value.
set_ZoomX(double)Horizontal zooming factor of the stamp. Allows to scale stamp horizontally.
set_ZoomY(double)Vertical zooming factor of the stamp. Allows to scale stamp vertically.
setStampId(int32_t)Sets stamp Id.

See Also