Aspose::Pdf::Rectangle class

Rectangle class

Class represents rectangle.

class Rectangle : public System::ICloneable


Center()Returncs coordinates of center of the rectangle.
Clone() overrideClones the Rectangle object.
Contains(System::SharedPtr<Point>)Determinces whether given point is inside of the rectangle.
ContainsLine(double, double, double, double)Determines whether the rectangle contains a line represented by two points.
ContainsPoint(double, double)Determines whether the given point is contained within the rectangle.
Equals(System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>)Check if rectangles are equal i.e. have same position and sizes.
static FromRect(System::Drawing::Rectangle)Initializes new rectangle from given instance of System.Drawing.Rectangle.
static FromRect(System::Drawing::RectangleF)Initializes new rectangle from given instance of System.Drawing.Rectangle.
get_Height()Height of rectangle.
get_IsEmpty() constChecks if rectangle is empty.
get_IsPoint()Checks if rectangle is point i.e. LLX is equal URX and LLY is equal URY.
get_IsTrivial()Checks if rectangle is trivial i.e. has zero size and position.
get_LLX() constX-coordinate of lower - left corner.
get_LLY() constY - coordinate of lower-left corner.
static get_Trivial()Initializes trivial rectangle i.e. rectangle with zero position and size.
get_URX() constX - coordinate of upper-right corner.
get_URY() constY - coordinate of upper-right corner.
get_Width()Width of rectangle.
Intersect(System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>)Intersects to rectangles.
IsIntersect(System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>)Determines whether this rectangle intersects with other rectangle.
Join(System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>)Joins rectangles.
NearEquals(System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>, double)Check if rectangles are near equal i.e. have near same (up to delta) position and sizes.
static Parse(System::String)Try to parse string and extract from it rectangle components llx, lly, urx, ury.
Rectangle(double, double, double, double, bool)Constructor of Rectangle.
Rotate(Rotation)Rotate rectangle by the specified angle.
Rotate(int32_t)Rotate rectangle by the specified angle.
set_LLX(double)X-coordinate of lower - left corner.
set_LLY(double)Y - coordinate of lower-left corner.
set_URX(double)X - coordinate of upper-right corner.
set_URY(double)Y - coordinate of upper-right corner.
ToPoints()Converts rectangle into array of points (“QuadPoints”).
ToRect()Converts rectangle to instance of System.Drawing.Rectangle. Floating-point positions and size are truncated.
ToString() const overrideGets rectangle string representation.


static EmptyEmpty rectangle.

See Also