Aspose::Pdf::XFormCollection class

XFormCollection class

Class represents collection of XFormCollection.

class XFormCollection : public System::Collections::Generic::ICollection<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::XForm>>,
                        public Aspose::Pdf::ISupportsMemoryCleanup


Add(const System::SharedPtr<XForm>&) overrideAdds new XForm into collection.
Clear() overrideClears all items from the collection.
Contains(const System::SharedPtr<XForm>&) const overrideDetermines whether the collection contains a specific value.
CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<XForm>>, int32_t) overrideCopies XFormCollection into collection.
Delete(int32_t)Delete XForm from collection.
Delete()Deletes all XForms from the collection.
Delete(System::String)Deletes XForm from collection by form name.
FreeMemory() overrideClears cached data, frees memory etc.
get_Count() const overrideGets count of XForms in collection.
get_IsReadOnly() const overrideGets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only.
get_IsSynchronized()Returns true if object is synchronized.
get_SyncRoot() constSynchronization object.
GetEnumerator() overrideReturns collection enumerator.
GetFormName(System::SharedPtr<XForm>)Returns name of the form in this form collection.
idx_get(int32_t)Returns XForm by index.
idx_get(System::String)Returns XForm by its name. Exception is thrown if XForm with specified name is not found.
Remove(const System::SharedPtr<XForm>&) overrideDeletes specified item from collection.

See Also