Aspose::Pdf::XmlLoadOptions class

XmlLoadOptions class

Represents options for loading/importing XML file into pdf document.

class XmlLoadOptions : public Aspose::Pdf::LoadOptions


get_DisableFontLicenseVerifications() constGets flag to disable any license restrictions for all fonts while loading the file. When true

, allows to execute operations with font that are prohibited by a license of this font, for example allows to embed a font into a PDF document even if license rules disable embedding for this font. By default false

. | | get_LoadFormat() const | Represents file format which LoadOptions describes. | | get_WarningHandler() const | Callback to handle any warnings generated. The WarningHandler returns ReturnAction enum item specifying either Continue or Abort. Continue is the default action and the Load operation continues, however the user may also return Abort in which case the Load operation should cease. | | get_XslStream() const | Gets xsl data for converting xml into pdf document. | | LoadOptions() | | | set_DisableFontLicenseVerifications(bool) | Sets flag to disable any license restrictions for all fonts while loading the file. When true

, allows to execute operations with font that are prohibited by a license of this font, for example allows to embed a font into a PDF document even if license rules disable embedding for this font. By default false

. | | set_WarningHandler(System::SharedPtr<IWarningCallback>) | Callback to handle any warnings generated. The WarningHandler returns ReturnAction enum item specifying either Continue or Abort. Continue is the default action and the Load operation continues, however the user may also return Abort in which case the Load operation should cease. | | XmlLoadOptions() | Creates XmlLoadOptions object without xsl data. | | XmlLoadOptions(System::String) | Creates XmlLoadOptions object with xsl data. | | XmlLoadOptions(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>) | Creates XmlLoadOptions object with xsl data. | | virtual ~XmlLoadOptions() | |

See Also