Aspose::Pdf::XmpPdfAExtensionField class

XmpPdfAExtensionField class

This schema describes a field in a structured type. It is very similar to the PDF/A Property Value Type schema, but defines a field in a structure instead of a property. Schema namespace URI: Required schema namespace prefix: pdfaField.

class XmpPdfAExtensionField : public Aspose::Pdf::XmpPdfAExtensionObject


get_Description() constGets the description.
get_Name() constField name. Field names must be valid XML element names.
get_Value() constGets the value.
get_ValueType() constField value type, drawn from XMP Specification 2004, or an embedded PDF/A value type extension schema. Predefined XMP type names or names of custom types.
GetXml(System::SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlDocument>) overrideReturns the list of xml elements that represent field in xml tree.
set_Value(System::String)Sets the value.
XmpPdfAExtensionField(System::String, System::String, System::String, System::String)Initializes object.

See Also