Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction class

SubmitFormAction class

Class which describes submit-form action.

class SubmitFormAction : public Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfAction


get_Flags()Gets flagas of submit action.
get_Next()Next actions in sequence.
get_Url()Destination URL.
GetECMAScriptString()Gets string for ECMAScript Action.
set_Flags(int32_t)Sets flagas of submit action.
set_Url(System::SharedPtr<FileSpecification>)Destination URL.
SubmitFormAction()Initializes SubmitFormAction object.
ToString() const overrideReturns string representation of ExplicitDestination object.


static constexpr CanonicalFormatIf set, any submitted field values representing dates shall be converted to the standard format.
static constexpr EmbedFormIf set, the F entry of the submitted FDF shall be a file specification containing an embedded file stream representing the PDF file from which the FDF is being submitted.
static constexpr ExclFKeyIf set, the submitted FDF shall exclude the F entry.
static constexpr ExclNonUserAnnotsIf set, it shall include only those markup annotations whose T entry matches the name of the current user.
static constexpr ExcludeIf clear, the Fields array specifies which fields to include in the submission.
static constexpr ExportFormatIf set, field names and values shall be submitted in HTML Form format.
static constexpr GetMethodIf set, field names and values shall be submitted using an HTTP GET request.
static constexpr IncludeAnnotationsIf set, the submitted FDF file shall include includes all markup annotations in the underlying PDF document.
static constexpr IncludeAppendSavesIf set, the submitted FDF file shall include the contents of all incremental updates.
static constexpr IncludeNoValueFieldsIf set, all fields designated by the Fields array and the Include/Exclude flag shall be submitted.
static constexpr SubmitCoordinatesIf set, the coordinates of the mouse click that caused the submit-form action shall be transmitted as part of the form data.
static constexpr SubmitPdfIf set, the document shall be submitted as PDF, using the MIME content type application/pdf.
static constexpr XfdfIf set, field names and values shall be submitted as XFDF.

See Also