Aspose::Pdf::GraphInfo class

GraphInfo class

Represents graphics info.

class GraphInfo : public System::ICloneable


Clone() overrideClone the graphics info.
get_Color() constGets a Color object that indicates the color of the graph.
get_DashArray() constGets a dash array.
get_DashPhase() constGets a dash phase.
get_FillColor() constGets a Color object that indicates the fill color of the graph.
get_IsDoubled() constGets is border doubled.
get_LineWidth() constGets a float value that indicates the line width of the graph.
get_RotationAngle() constGets a float value that indicates the rotation angle of the coordinate system when transforming a coordinate system.
get_ScalingRateX() constGets a float value that indicates the scaling rate of the x-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system.
get_ScalingRateY() constGets a float value that indicates the scaling rate of the y-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system.
get_SkewAngleX() constGets a float value that indicates the skew angle of the x-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system.
get_SkewAngleY() constGets a float value that indicates the skew angle of the y-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system.
set_Color(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Color>)Sets a Color object that indicates the color of the graph.
set_DashArray(System::ArrayPtr<int32_t>)Sets a dash array.
set_DashPhase(int32_t)Sets a dash phase.
set_FillColor(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Color>)Sets a Color object that indicates the fill color of the graph.
set_IsDoubled(bool)Sets is border doubled.
set_LineWidth(float)Sets a float value that indicates the line width of the graph.
set_RotationAngle(double)Sets a float value that indicates the rotation angle of the coordinate system when transforming a coordinate system.
set_ScalingRateX(double)Sets a float value that indicates the scaling rate of the x-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system.
set_ScalingRateY(double)Sets a float value that indicates the scaling rate of the y-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system.
set_SkewAngleX(double)Sets a float value that indicates the skew angle of the x-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system.
set_SkewAngleY(double)Sets a float value that indicates the skew angle of the y-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system.

See Also