Aspose::Pdf::LogicalStructure::TableChildElement class

TableChildElement class

Represents a base class for children elements of the Table in logical structure.

class TableChildElement : public Aspose::Pdf::LogicalStructure::StructureElement


AppendChild(System::SharedPtr<Element>)Append T:/Aspose::Pdf::LogicalStructure::Element to collection of children.
ChangeParentElement(System::SharedPtr<StructureElement>)Change parent element for current structure element.
ClearChilds()Clear all childs.
ClearId()Clear ID for structure element.
FindElements(bool)Find Elements of a given type.
GenerateId()Generate ID for structure element.
get_ActualText()Gets the actual text for structure element.
get_AlternativeText()Gets the alternative text for structure element.
get_Attributes() constGets T:/Aspose::Pdf::LogicalStructure::StructureAttributeCollection object.
get_ChildElements()Gets children collection of T:/Aspose::Pdf::LogicalStructure::Element objects.
get_DefaultAttributeOwner() constGets T:/Aspose::Pdf::LogicalStructure::AttributeOwnerStandard object.
get_ExpansionText()Gets the expansion text for structure element.
get_ID()Gets the ID for structure element.
get_Language()Gets the language for structure element.
get_Page()Gets the page on which some or all child elements will be rendered.
get_ParentElement() constGet parent element.
get_StructureType() constGets type of structure element.
get_Title()Gets the title for structure element.
InsertChild(System::SharedPtr<Element>, int32_t)Insert T:/Aspose::Pdf::LogicalStructure::Element to collection of children at specified index.
Remove()Removes: an element from the structure, a reference to it from the parent object, references to it from child objects, the corresponding object from the document.
RemoveChild(int32_t)Remove child at.
set_ActualText(System::String)Sets the actual text for structure element.
set_AlternativeText(System::String)Sets the alternative text for structure element.
set_ExpansionText(System::String)Sets the expansion text for structure element.
set_Language(System::String)Sets the language for structure element.
set_Title(System::String)Sets the title for structure element.
SetId(System::String)Sets ID for structure element.
SetTag(System::String)Sets custom tag for structure element.
Tag(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Operators::BDC>) overrideBind a structure element to the content stream BDC operator.
Tag(System::SharedPtr<XForm>) overrideBind a structure element to the content stream XForm.
Tag(System::SharedPtr<XImage>) overrideBind a structure element to the XImage.
Tag(System::SharedPtr<Artifact>) overrideBind a structure element to the Artifact.
Tag(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation>) overrideBind a structure element to the Annotation.
ToString() const overrideReturns a string that represents the current object.

See Also