Aspose::Pdf::Matrix class

Matrix class

Class represents transformation matrix.

class Matrix : public System::Object


Add(System::SharedPtr<Matrix>)Adds matrix to other matrix.
Equals(System::SharedPtr<System::Object>) overrideCompares matrix agains other object.
get_A()A member of the transformation matrix.
get_B()B member of the transformation matrix.
get_C()C member of the transformation matrix.
get_D()D member of the transformation matrix.
get_Data() constGets data of Matrix as array.
get_E()E member of the transformation matrix.
get_Elements()Elements of the matrix.
get_F()F member of the transformation matrix.
static GetAngle(Aspose::Pdf::Rotation)Transaltes rotation into angle (degrees)
GetFlipMatrix()Gets the flipping matrix.
GetHashCode() const overrideHash-code for object.
Matrix()Constructor creates stanrard 1 to 1 matrix: [ A B C D E F ] = [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0].
Matrix(System::ArrayPtr<double>)Constructor accepts a matrix with following array representation: [ A B C D E F ].
Matrix(System::Details::ArrayView<float>)Constructor accepts a matrix with following array representation: [ A B C D E F ].
Matrix(System::SharedPtr<Matrix>)Constructor accepts a matrix to create a copy.
Matrix(double, double, double, double, double, double)Initializes transformation matrix with specified coefficients.
Multiply(System::SharedPtr<Matrix>)Multiplies the matrix by other matrix.
Reverse()Calculates reverse matrix.
static Rotation(double)Creates matrix for given rotation angle.
static Rotation(Aspose::Pdf::Rotation)Creates matrix for given rotation.
Scale(double, double, double&, double&)Scales x and y with the matrix using the following formula: x1 = Ax + Cy; y1 = Bx + Dy;.
static Scale(double, double, System::SharedPtr<Matrix>)Applies scaling to the given matrix.
set_A(double)A member of the transformation matrix.
set_B(double)B member of the transformation matrix.
set_C(double)C member of the transformation matrix.
set_D(double)D member of the transformation matrix.
set_E(double)E member of the transformation matrix.
set_F(double)F member of the transformation matrix.
static Skew(double, double)Creates matrix for given rotation angle.
ToString() const overrideReturns text reporesentation of the matrix.
Transform(System::SharedPtr<Point>)Transforms point using this matrix.
Transform(double, double, double&, double&)Transforms coordinates using this matrix.
Transform(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Rectangle>)Transformes rectangle. If angle is not 90 * N degrees then bounding rectangle is returned.
static Translate(double, double, System::SharedPtr<Matrix>)Translates a matrix by the specified amount in the x and y direction.
UnScale(double, double, double&, double&)Scales back x1 and y1 and returns x and y before the matrix transformation using the following formula: x = (D * x1 - C * y1) / (A * D - C * B); y = (A* y1 - B* x1) / (A* D - C* B);.
UnTransform(double, double, double&, double&)Transforms back x1 and y1 and returns x and y before the matrix transformation using the following formula: x = (D * x1 - C * y1 + C * F) / (A * D - C * B) y = (A * y1 - B * x1 + B * E) / (A * D - C * B).

See Also