System::ComponentModel::EnumConverter class

EnumConverter class

Dummy class for EnumConverter-using translated code to compile. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class EnumConverter : public System::ComponentModel::TypeConverter


CanConvertFrom(const System::SharedPtr<ITypeDescriptorContext>&, const System::TypeInfo&)Checks if types are convertible; not implemented.
CanConvertTo(const System::SharedPtr<ITypeDescriptorContext>&, const System::TypeInfo&)Checks if types are convertible; not implemented.
ConvertFrom(const System::SharedPtr<ITypeDescriptorContext>&, const System::SharedPtr<System::Globalization::CultureInfo>&, const System::SharedPtr<System::Object>&) overrideDoes actual type conversion; not implemented.
ConvertTo(const System::SharedPtr<ITypeDescriptorContext>&, const System::SharedPtr<System::Globalization::CultureInfo>&, const System::SharedPtr<System::Object>&, const System::TypeInfo&) overrideDoes actual type conversion; not implemented.
EnumConverter(const System::TypeInfo&)RTTI information.
get_EnumType()Gets enum type EnumConverter is working with; not implemented.

See Also