System::Xml::Schema::XmlSchemaSet class

XmlSchemaSet class

Contains a cache of XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas.

class XmlSchemaSet : public System::Object


Add(String, const String&)Adds the XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema at the URL specified to the XmlSchemaSet.
Add(String, const SharedPtr<XmlReader>&)Adds the XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema contained in the XmlReader to the XmlSchemaSet.
Add(const SharedPtr<XmlSchemaSet>&)Adds all the XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas in the given XmlSchemaSet to the XmlSchemaSet.
Add(const SharedPtr<XmlSchema>&)Adds the given XmlSchema to the XmlSchemaSet.
Compile()Compiles the XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas added to the XmlSchemaSet into one logical schema.
Contains(String)Indicates whether an XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema with the specified target namespace URI is in the XmlSchemaSet.
Contains(const SharedPtr<XmlSchema>&)Indicates whether the specified XML Schema definition language (XSD) XmlSchema object is in the XmlSchemaSet.
CopyTo(const ArrayPtr<SharedPtr<XmlSchema>>&, int32_t)Copies all the XmlSchema objects from the XmlSchemaSet to the given array, starting at the given index.
get_CompilationSettings()Returns the XmlSchemaCompilationSettings for the XmlSchemaSet.
get_Count()Returns the number of logical XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas in the XmlSchemaSet.
get_GlobalAttributes()Returns all the global attributes in all the XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas in the XmlSchemaSet.
get_GlobalElements()Returns all the global elements in all the XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas in the XmlSchemaSet.
get_GlobalTypes()Returns all of the global simple and complex types in all the XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas in the XmlSchemaSet.
get_IsCompiled()Returns a value that indicates whether the XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas in the XmlSchemaSet have been compiled.
get_NameTable()Returns the default XmlNameTable used by the XmlSchemaSet when loading new XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas.
Remove(const SharedPtr<XmlSchema>&)Removes the specified XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema from the XmlSchemaSet.
RemoveRecursive(const SharedPtr<XmlSchema>&)Removes the specified XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema and all the schemas it imports from the XmlSchemaSet.
Reprocess(SharedPtr<XmlSchema>)Reprocesses an XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema that already exists in the XmlSchemaSet.
Schemas()Returns a collection of all the XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas in the XmlSchemaSet.
Schemas(String)Returns a collection of all the XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas in the XmlSchemaSet that belong to the given namespace.
set_CompilationSettings(const SharedPtr<XmlSchemaCompilationSettings>&)Sets the XmlSchemaCompilationSettings for the XmlSchemaSet.
set_XmlResolver(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Sets the XmlResolver used to resolve namespaces or locations referenced in include and import elements of a schema.
ValidationEventHandler_add(Args…)Adds an event handler for receiving information about XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema validation errors.
ValidationEventHandler_remove(Args…)Removes an event handler for receiving information about XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema validation errors.
XmlSchemaSet()Initializes a new instance of the XmlSchemaSet class.
XmlSchemaSet(const SharedPtr<XmlNameTable>&)Initializes a new instance of the XmlSchemaSet class with the specified XmlNameTable.


PtrAn alias for shared pointer to an instance of this class.


Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instances of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

See Also