System::Drawing::Pen class

Pen class

Represents properties such as color, width etc. of the lines and curves being drawn. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class Pen : public System::Object


Clone()Returns a copy of the current object.
Dispose()Releases all operating resources acquired by the current object.
get_Alignment() constReturns a value that indicates the alignment of the current Pen object.
get_Brush()Returns this pen’s Brush object.
get_Color() constReturns this pen’s color.
get_CompoundArray() constReturns an array of values that specifies a compound pen.
get_DashCap() constReturns a value that indicates the cap used at the both ends of a dashed line.
get_DashOffset() constReturns the distance from the start of a line to the beginning of a dash pattern.
get_DashPattern() constReturns an array indicating custom dash pattern in a dashed line.
get_DashStyle() constReturns a value that indicates the dash style of the current Pen object.
get_EndCap() constReturns a value that indicates the ending line cap of the current Pen object.
get_LineJoin() constReturns a value that indicates how the lines drawn by this Pen object are joined.
get_MiterLimit() constReturns the limit of the thickness of the join on a mitered corner.
get_PenType() constNOT IMPLEMENTED.
get_StartCap() constReturns a value that indicates the starting line cap of the current Pen object.
get_Transform()Returns a copy of a Matrix object that specifies the geometrical transformations for the pen represneted by the current object.
get_Width() constReturns the width of the current Pen object.
MultiplyTransform(const SharedPtr<Drawing2D::Matrix>&, Drawing2D::MatrixOrder)Multiplies current object’s transform matrix by the specified matrix.
Pen(const Color&)Constructs a new Pen object representing the specified color.
Pen(const Color&, float)Constructs a new Pen object representing the specified color and width.
Pen(const SharedPtr<Brush>&)Constructs a new Pen object and initializes it with the specified Brush object.
Pen(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, float)Constructs a new Pen object and initializes it with the specified Brush object.
ResetTransform()Resets the current object’s transform matrix so that it becomes an identity matrix.
RotateTransform(float, Drawing2D::MatrixOrder)Rotates the local geometric transformation by the specified angle in the specified order.
ScaleTransform(float, float, Drawing2D::MatrixOrder)Scales the local geometric transformation by the specified factors in the specified order.
set_Alignment(Drawing2D::PenAlignment)Sets the alignment of the current Pen object.
set_Brush(const SharedPtr<Brush>&)Sets this pen’s Brush object.
set_Color(const Color&)Sets this pen’s color.
set_CompoundArray(const System::ArrayPtr<float>&)Sets an array of values that specifies a compound pen.
set_CustomEndCap(const SharedPtr<Drawing2D::CustomLineCap>&)Sets the custom end line cap.
set_CustomStartCap(const SharedPtr<Drawing2D::CustomLineCap>&)Sets the custom start line cap.
set_DashCap(Drawing2D::DashCap)Sets a value that specifies the cap used at the both ends of a dashed line.
set_DashOffset(float)Sets the distance from the start of a line to the beginning of a dash pattern.
set_DashPattern(const System::ArrayPtr<float>&)Sets an array specifying custom dash pattern in a dashed line. The array consists of numbers that specify the lengths of alternating dashes and spaces.
set_DashStyle(Drawing2D::DashStyle)Sets a value that specifies the dash style of the current Pen object.
set_EndCap(Drawing2D::LineCap)Sets the ending line cap of the current Pen object.
set_LineJoin(Drawing2D::LineJoin)Sets a value that specifies how the lines drawn by this Pen object are joined.
set_MiterLimit(float)Sets the limit of the thickness of the join on a mitered corner.
set_StartCap(Drawing2D::LineCap)Sets the starting line cap of the current Pen object.
set_Transform(const SharedPtr<Drawing2D::Matrix>&)Sets a Matrix object that specifies the geometrical transformations for the pen represneted by the current object.
set_Width(float)Sets the width of the current Pen object.
SetLineCap(Drawing2D::LineCap, Drawing2D::LineCap, Drawing2D::DashCap)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
TranslateTransform(float, float, Drawing2D::MatrixOrder)Translates the local geometric transformation by the specified dimensions in the specified order.

See Also