System::IO::BinaryReader::Read method

BinaryReader::Read() method

Reads a single character from the input stream.

virtual int System::IO::BinaryReader::Read()


Read character encoded with UTF-16 encoding; if the read character is represented by two codepoints in UTF-16 encoding then only the high surragate is returned.

See Also

BinaryReader::Read(ArrayPtr<char_t>, int, int) method

Reads the specified number of characters from the input stream, converts them to UTF-16 encoding and writes the resulting UTF-16 characters to the specified character array starting at the specified position.

virtual int System::IO::BinaryReader::Read(ArrayPtr<char_t> buffer, int index, int count)
bufferArrayPtr<char_t>The UTF-16 character array to write the characters read from the input stream to
indexintA 0-based index in buffer at which to start writing
countintThe number of characters to read from the stream


The number of characters read from the input stream

See Also

BinaryReader::Read(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int, int) method

Reads the specified number of bytes from the input stream and writes them to the specified byte array.

virtual int System::IO::BinaryReader::Read(ArrayPtr<uint8_t> buffer, int index, int count)
bufferArrayPtr<uint8_t>The byte array to write the read bytes to
indexintA 0-based position in buffer to start writing at
countintThe number of bytes to read


The number of bytes read

See Also