System::Net::WebHeaderCollection::Add method

WebHeaderCollection::Add(HttpRequestHeader, String) method

Adds the specified pair of the header and the header value to the collection.

void System::Net::WebHeaderCollection::Add(HttpRequestHeader header, String value)
headerHttpRequestHeaderThe header.
valueStringThe header value.

See Also

WebHeaderCollection::Add(HttpResponseHeader, String) method

Adds the specified pair of the header and the header value to the collection.

void System::Net::WebHeaderCollection::Add(HttpResponseHeader header, String value)
headerHttpResponseHeaderThe header.
valueStringThe header value.

See Also

WebHeaderCollection::Add(String, String) method

Adds the specified pair of the header name and the header value to the collection.

void System::Net::WebHeaderCollection::Add(String header, String value)
headerStringThe header name.
valueStringThe header value.

See Also