System::Text::Encoding class

Encoding class

Encoding services.

class Encoding : public System::Object


virtual Clone()Clones encoding object.
static Convert(const EncodingPtr&, const EncodingPtr&, const ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&)Converts bytes between two encodings.
static Convert(const EncodingPtr&, const EncodingPtr&, const ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&, int, int)Converts bytes between two encodings.
Equals(SharedPtr<Object>) overrideCompares encodings.
static get_ASCII()Gets ASCII encoding.
static get_BigEndianUnicode()Gets the standard big-endian Unicode encoding object.
static get_BigEndianUTF32()Gets the standard big-endian UTF-32 encoding object.
virtual get_BodyName()Gets mail agent body compatible encoding name.
virtual get_CodePage()Gets Windows codepage ID.
get_DecoderFallback() constGets decoder fallback.
static get_Default()Gets default encoding.
get_EncoderFallback() constGets encoder fallback.
virtual get_EncodingName()Gets human-readable encoding name.
virtual get_HeaderName()Gets mail agent header compatible encoding name.
virtual get_IsBrowserDisplay()Checks whether encoding can be used in browser to display content.
virtual get_IsBrowserSave()Checks whether encoding can be used in browser to save content.
virtual get_IsMailNewsDisplay()Checks whether encoding can be used in mail client to display content.
virtual get_IsMailNewsSave()Checks whether encoding can be used in mail client to save content.
get_IsReadOnly()Checks whether encoding is read-only.
virtual get_IsSingleByte()Checks whether encoding is single byte.
static get_Latin1()Gets Latin1 encoding. FOR INTERNAL USE.
static get_Unicode()Gets the standard Unicode encoding object.
static get_UTF32()
static get_UTF7()Gets the standard UTF-7 encoding object.
static get_UTF8()Gets the standard UTF-8 encoding object.
static get_UTF8Unmarked()Only internal, to be used by the class libraries: Unmarked and non-input-validating.
virtual get_WebName()Gets IANA-compatible encoding name.
virtual get_WindowsCodePage()Gets Windows codepage ID.
virtual GetByteCount(ArrayPtr<char_t>, int, int)Get the number of characters needed to encode a character buffer.
virtual GetByteCount(System::Details::ArrayView<char_t>, int, int)Get the number of characters needed to encode a character buffer.
GetByteCount(const System::Details::StackArray<char_t, N>&, int, int)Get the number of characters needed to encode a character buffer.
virtual GetByteCount(const String&)Get the number of characters needed to encode a string.
virtual GetByteCount(ArrayPtr<char_t>)Get the number of characters needed to encode a character buffer.
virtual GetByteCount(const char_t *, int)Get the number of characters needed to encode a character buffer.
virtual GetBytes(ArrayPtr<char_t>, int, int, ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int)Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer.
virtual GetBytes(System::Details::ArrayView<char_t>, int, int, System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int)Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer.
GetBytes(System::Details::StackArray<char_t, SC>&, int, int, System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, SB>&, int)Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer.
virtual GetBytes(const String&, int, int, ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int)Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer.
virtual GetBytes(const String&)Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer.
virtual GetBytes(ArrayPtr<char_t>, int, int)Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer.
virtual GetBytes(const System::Details::ArrayView<char_t>&, int, int)Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer.
GetBytes(const System::Details::StackArray<char_t, N>&, int, int)Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer.
virtual GetBytes(ArrayPtr<char_t>)Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer.
virtual GetBytes(const char_t *, int, uint8_t *, int)Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer.
virtual GetCharCount(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int, int)Get the number of characters needed to decode a byte buffer.
virtual GetCharCount(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Get the number of characters needed to decode a byte buffer.
virtual GetCharCount(const uint8_t *, int)Get the number of characters needed to decode a byte buffer.
virtual GetChars(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int, int, ArrayPtr<char_t>, int)Get the characters that result from decoding a byte buffer.
virtual GetChars(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int, int)Get the characters that result from decoding a byte buffer.
virtual GetChars(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Get the characters that result from decoding a byte buffer.
virtual GetChars(const uint8_t *, int, char_t *, int)Get the characters that result from decoding a byte buffer.
virtual GetDecoder()Get a decoder that forwards requests to this object.
virtual GetEncoder()Get an encoder that forwards requests to this object.
static GetEncoding(const String&)Gets encoding by name.
static GetEncoding(int)Gets encoding by codepage.
static GetEncoding(int, const EncoderFallbackPtr&, const DecoderFallbackPtr&)Gets encoding by codepage.
static GetEncoding(const String&, const EncoderFallbackPtr&, const DecoderFallbackPtr&)Gets encoding by name.
static GetEncodings()Gets list of known encodings.
GetHashCode() const overrideHashes encoding.
virtual GetMaxByteCount(int)Get the maximum number of bytes needed to encode a specified number of characters.
virtual GetMaxCharCount(int)Get the maximum number of characters needed to decode a specified number of bytes.
virtual GetPreamble()Returns a sequence of bytes that denotes the encoding (e. g. BOM).
virtual GetString(uint8_t *, int)Decodes a buffer of bytes into a string.
virtual GetString(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Decodes a buffer of bytes into a string.
virtual GetString(const System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>&)Decodes a buffer of bytes into a string.
GetString(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&)Decodes a buffer of bytes into a string.
virtual GetString(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int, int)Decodes a buffer of bytes into a string.
virtual GetString(const System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>&, int, int)Decodes a buffer of bytes into a string.
GetString(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>, int, int)Decodes a buffer of bytes into a string.
set_DecoderFallback(const DecoderFallbackPtr&)Sets decoder fallback.
set_EncoderFallback(const EncoderFallbackPtr&)Sets encoder fallback.


static constexpr DEFAULT_CODE_PAGEDefault codepage value.



See Also