System::Timers::Timer class

Timer class

Timer that calls delegate in a loop.

class Timer : public System::ComponentModel::Component


Close()Stops timer, frees allocated resources.
Dispose()Stops timer, frees allocated resources.
get_AutoReset() constChecks if timer is in auto-reset mode.
get_Enabled() constChecks if timer is active.
get_Interval() constGets timer interval.
get_IsStopped() constChecks if timer is stopped.
set_AutoReset(bool)Sets timer into auto-reset mode or out of it.
set_Enabled(bool)Starts or stops timer. Starting timer doesn’t restart time counting if timer is already executing.
set_Interval(double)Sets timer interval.
Start()Starts timer. Doesn’t restart time counting if timer is already executing.
Stop()Stops timer.
Timer()RTTI information.
Timer(double)Constructs stopped timer with specified interval.


ElapsedCallback function to be called by timer.

See Also