System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator::SelectAncestors method

XPathNavigator::SelectAncestors(String, String, bool) method

Selects all the ancestor nodes of the current node that have the specified local name and namespace URI.

virtual SharedPtr<XPathNodeIterator> System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator::SelectAncestors(String name, String namespaceURI, bool matchSelf)
nameStringThe local name of the ancestor nodes.
namespaceURIStringThe namespace URI of the ancestor nodes.
matchSelfboolTo include the context node in the selection, true; otherwise, false.


An XPathNodeIterator that contains the selected nodes. The returned nodes are in reverse document order.

See Also

XPathNavigator::SelectAncestors(XPathNodeType, bool) method

Selects all the ancestor nodes of the current node that have a matching XPathNodeType.

virtual SharedPtr<XPathNodeIterator> System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator::SelectAncestors(XPathNodeType type, bool matchSelf)
typeXPathNodeTypeThe XPathNodeType of the ancestor nodes.
matchSelfboolTo include the context node in the selection, true; otherwise, false.


An XPathNodeIterator that contains the selected nodes. The returned nodes are in reverse document order.

See Also