System::Xml::XmlDocument class

XmlDocument class

Represents an XML document. You can use this class to load, validate, edit, add, and position XML in a document.

class XmlDocument : public System::Xml::XmlNode


CloneNode(bool) overrideCreates a duplicate of this node.
CreateAttribute(const String&)Creates an XmlAttribute with the specified name.
CreateAttribute(const String&, const String&)Creates an XmlAttribute with the specified qualified name and XmlNode::get_NamespaceURI.
virtual CreateAttribute(const String&, const String&, const String&)Creates an XmlAttribute with the specified XmlNode::get_Prefix, XmlDocument::get_LocalName, and XmlNode::get_NamespaceURI.
virtual CreateCDataSection(const String&)Creates an XmlCDataSection containing the specified data.
virtual CreateComment(const String&)Creates an XmlComment containing the specified data.
virtual CreateDocumentFragment()Creates an XmlDocumentFragment.
virtual CreateDocumentType(const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&)Returns a new XmlDocumentType object.
CreateElement(const String&)Creates an element with the specified name.
CreateElement(const String&, const String&)Creates an XmlElement with the qualified name and XmlNode::get_NamespaceURI.
virtual CreateElement(const String&, const String&, const String&)Creates an element with the specified XmlNode::get_Prefix, XmlDocument::get_LocalName, and XmlNode::get_NamespaceURI.
virtual CreateEntityReference(const String&)Creates an XmlEntityReference with the specified name.
CreateNavigator() overrideCreates a new XPathNavigator object for navigating this document.
virtual CreateNode(XmlNodeType, const String&, const String&, const String&)Creates a XmlNode with the specified XmlNodeType, XmlNode::get_Prefix, XmlDocument::get_Name, and XmlNode::get_NamespaceURI.
virtual CreateNode(const String&, const String&, const String&)Creates an XmlNode with the specified node type, XmlDocument::get_Name, and XmlNode::get_NamespaceURI.
virtual CreateNode(XmlNodeType, const String&, const String&)Creates an XmlNode with the specified XmlNodeType, XmlDocument::get_Name, and XmlNode::get_NamespaceURI.
virtual CreateProcessingInstruction(const String&, const String&)Creates an XmlProcessingInstruction with the specified name and data.
virtual CreateSignificantWhitespace(const String&)Creates an XmlSignificantWhitespace node.
virtual CreateTextNode(const String&)Creates an XmlText with the specified text.
virtual CreateWhitespace(const String&)Creates an XmlWhitespace node.
virtual CreateXmlDeclaration(const String&, const String&, const String&)Creates an XmlDeclaration node with the specified values.
get_BaseURI() overrideReturns the base URI of the current node.
get_DocumentElement()Returns the root XmlElement for the document.
virtual get_DocumentType()Returns the node containing the DOCTYPE declaration.
get_Implementation()Returns the XmlImplementation object for the current document.
get_InnerXml() overrideReturns the markup representing the children of the current node.
get_IsReadOnly() overrideReturns a value indicating whether the current node is read-only.
get_LocalName() overrideReturns the local name of the node.
get_Name() overrideReturns the qualified name of the node.
get_NameTable()Returns the XmlNameTable associated with this implementation.
get_NodeType() overrideReturns the type of the current node.
get_OwnerDocument() overrideReturns the XmlDocument to which the current node belongs.
get_PreserveWhitespace()Returns a value indicating whether to preserve white space in element content.
get_SchemaInfo() overrideReturns the Post-Schema-Validation-Infoset (PSVI) of the node.
get_Schemas()Returns the XmlSchemaSet object associated with this XmlDocument.
virtual GetElementById(String)Returns the XmlElement with the specified ID.
virtual GetElementsByTagName(String)Returns an XmlNodeList containing a list of all descendant elements that match the specified name.
virtual GetElementsByTagName(String, String)Returns an XmlNodeList containing a list of all descendant elements that match the specified XmlDocument::get_LocalName and XmlNode::get_NamespaceURI.
virtual ImportNode(SharedPtr<XmlNode>, bool)Imports a node from another document to the current document.
virtual Load(String)Loads the XML document from the specified URL.
virtual Load(SharedPtr<IO::Stream>)Loads the XML document from the specified stream.
virtual Load(SharedPtr<IO::TextReader>)Loads the XML document from the specified TextReader.
virtual Load(SharedPtr<XmlReader>)Loads the XML document from the specified XmlReader.
virtual LoadXml(String)Loads the XML document from the specified string.
virtual ReadNode(SharedPtr<XmlReader>)Creates an XmlNode object based on the information in the XmlReader. The reader must be positioned on a node or attribute.
virtual Save(String)Saves the XML document to the specified file. If the specified file exists, this method overwrites it.
virtual Save(SharedPtr<IO::Stream>)Saves the XML document to the specified stream.
virtual Save(SharedPtr<IO::TextWriter>)Saves the XML document to the specified TextWriter.
virtual Save(SharedPtr<XmlWriter>)Saves the XML document to the specified XmlWriter.
set_InnerText(String) overrideThrows an InvalidOperationException in all cases.
set_InnerXml(String) overrideSets the markup representing the children of the current node.
set_PreserveWhitespace(bool)Sets a value indicating whether to preserve white space in element content.
set_Schemas(const SharedPtr<Schema::XmlSchemaSet>&)Sets the XmlSchemaSet object associated with this XmlDocument.
virtual set_XmlResolver(SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>)Sets the XmlResolver to use for resolving external resources.
Validate(Schema::ValidationEventHandler)Validates the XmlDocument against the XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) schemas contained in the XmlDocument::get_Schemas list.
Validate(Schema::ValidationEventHandler, const SharedPtr<XmlNode>&)Validates the XmlNode object specified against the XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) schemas in the XmlDocument::get_Schemas list.
WriteContentTo(const SharedPtr<XmlWriter>&) overrideSaves all the children of the XmlDocument node to the specified XmlWriter.
WriteTo(const SharedPtr<XmlWriter>&) overrideSaves the XmlDocument node to the specified XmlWriter.
XmlDocument()Initializes a new instance of the XmlDocument class.
XmlDocument(const SharedPtr<XmlNameTable>&)Initializes a new instance of the XmlDocument class with the specified XmlNameTable.


NodeChangedOccurs when the XmlNode::get_Value of a node belonging to this document has been changed.
NodeChangingOccurs when the XmlNode::get_Value of a node belonging to this document is about to be changed.
NodeInsertedOccurs when a node belonging to this document has been inserted into another node.
NodeInsertingOccurs when a node belonging to this document is about to be inserted into another node.
NodeRemovedOccurs when a node belonging to this document has been removed from its parent.
NodeRemovingOccurs when a node belonging to this document is about to be removed from the document.


PtrAn alias for shared pointer to an instance of this class.


Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instances of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

See Also