System::setter_increment_wrap method

System::setter_increment_wrap(Host const, T(HostGet::)(), void(HostSet::*)(T)) method

Translator translates C#’s increment expressions targeting class’ property that has setter and getter defined, into invocation of this function.

template<typename T,typename Host,typename HostGet,typename HostSet> std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<HostGet, Host>::value &&std::is_base_of<HostSet, Host>::value, T>::type System::setter_increment_wrap(Host *const host, T(HostGet::*pGetter)(), void(HostSet::*pSetter)(T))
TThe type of the property
Host- class of instance to be modified
HostGet- Host itself, or it’s base type, where property’s getter is defined
HostSet- Host itself, or it’s base type, where property’s setter is defined
hostHost *constA pointer to an object whose property is to be incremented
pGetterT(HostGet::*)()Function pointer pointing to the property’s getter method
pSettervoid(HostSet::*)(T)Function pointer pointing to the property’s setter method


The incremented value of the property

See Also

System::setter_increment_wrap(T()(), void()(T)) method

Translator translates C#’s increment expressions targeting class’ property that has setter and getter defined, into invocation of this function.

template<typename T> T System::setter_increment_wrap(T(*pGetter)(), void(*pSetter)(T))
TThe type of the property
pGetterT(*)()Function pointer pointing to the property’s getter free function
pSettervoid(*)(T)Function pointer pointing to the property’s setter free function


The incremented value of the property

See Also