
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class PdfPrinterSettings

Specifies information about how a document is printed, including the printer that prints it.


PdfPrinterSettings()Initializes a new instance of the PrinterSettings class.


getPrinterSettings()Return PrinterSettings object
canDuplex()Gets a value indicating whether the printer supports double-sided printing.
getDuplex()Gets or sets the printer setting for double-sided printing.
setDuplex(int value)Gets or sets the printer setting for double-sided printing.
createMeasurementGraphics()Get Graphics2D object
createMeasurementGraphics(boolean value)Get Graphics2D object
createMeasurementGraphics(PrintPageSettings value)Get Graphics2D object
createMeasurementGraphics(PrintPageSettings pageSettings, boolean honorOriginAtMargins)Get Graphics2D object
deepClone()Get clonned object
isCollate()Gets or sets a value indicating whether the printed document is collated.
setCollate(boolean value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether the printed document is collated.
getCopies()Gets the number of copies of the document to print.
setCopies(short value)Sets the number of copies of the document to print.
getDefaultPageSettings()Gets the default page settings for this printer.
getFromPage()Gets or sets the page number of the first page to print.
getLandscapeAngle()Gets the angle, in degrees, that the portrait orientation is rotated to produce the landscape orientation.
getMaximumCopies()Gets the maximum number of copies that the printer enables the user to print at a time.
getMaximumPage()Gets or sets the maximum FromPage or ToPage that can be selected in a PrintDialog.
getMinimumPage()Gets or sets the minimum FromPage or ToPage that can be selected in a PrintDialog.
getPaperSizes()Gets the paper sizes that are supported by this printer.
getPaperSources()Gets the paper source trays that are available on the printer.
getPrinterName()Gets or sets the name of the printer to use.
getPrinterResolutions()Gets all the resolutions that are supported by this printer.
getPrintFileName()Gets or sets the file name, when printing to a file.
getPrintRange()Gets or sets the page numbers that the user has specified to be printed.
isPrintToFile()Gets a value indicating whether the printing output is sent to a file instead of a port.
setPrintToFile(boolean value)Sets a value indicating whether the printing output is sent to a file instead of a port.
isSupportsColor()Gets a value indicating whether this printer supports color printing.
getToPage()Gets or sets the number of the last page to print.
getInstalledPrinters()Gets the names of all printers installed on the computer.
isDefaultPrinter()Gets a value indicating whether the PrinterName property designates the default printer, except when the user explicitly sets PrinterName.
isDirectPrintingSupported(String filename)Gets a value indicating whether the printer is Supported DirectPrinting
isDirectPrintingSupported(ImageType format)Gets a value indicating whether the printer is Supported DirectPrinting
isPlotter()Gets a value indicating whether the printer is a plotter.
isValid()Gets a value indicating whether the PrinterName property designates a valid printer.
setFromPage(int value)Gets or sets the page number of the first page to print.
setMaximumPage(int value)Gets or sets the maximum FromPage or ToPage that can be selected in a PrintDialog.
setMinimumPage(int value)Gets or sets the minimum FromPage or ToPage that can be selected in a PrintDialog.
setPrinterName(String value)Sets the name of the printer to use.
setPrintFileName(String value)Sets the filename to print.
setPrintRange(int value)Sets the page numbers that the user has specified to be printed.
setToPage(int value)Sets the number of the last page to print.
setSelectedPages(int[] pagesList)Sets the number of selected pages to print.
getSelectedPages()Gets the number of selected pages to print.


public PdfPrinterSettings()

Initializes a new instance of the PrinterSettings class.


public System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings getPrinterSettings()

Return PrinterSettings object

Returns: com.aspose.ms.System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings - PrinterSettings object


public boolean canDuplex()

Gets a value indicating whether the printer supports double-sided printing.

Returns: boolean - boolean value


public int getDuplex()

Gets or sets the printer setting for double-sided printing.

Returns: int - int value

setDuplex(int value)

public void setDuplex(int value)

Gets or sets the printer setting for double-sided printing.


valueintint value


public Graphics2D createMeasurementGraphics()

Get Graphics2D object

Returns: java.awt.Graphics2D - Graphics2D object

createMeasurementGraphics(boolean value)

public Graphics2D createMeasurementGraphics(boolean value)

Get Graphics2D object


valuebooleanboolean value

Returns: java.awt.Graphics2D - Graphics2D object

createMeasurementGraphics(PrintPageSettings value)

public Graphics2D createMeasurementGraphics(PrintPageSettings value)

Get Graphics2D object


valuePrintPageSettingsPrintPageSettings value

Returns: java.awt.Graphics2D - Graphics2D object

createMeasurementGraphics(PrintPageSettings pageSettings, boolean honorOriginAtMargins)

public Graphics2D createMeasurementGraphics(PrintPageSettings pageSettings, boolean honorOriginAtMargins)

Get Graphics2D object


pageSettingsPrintPageSettingsPrintPageSettings value
honorOriginAtMarginsbooleanboolean value

Returns: java.awt.Graphics2D - Graphics2D object


public PdfPrinterSettings deepClone()

Get clonned object

Returns: PdfPrinterSettings - PdfPrinterSettings object


public boolean isCollate()

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the printed document is collated.

Returns: boolean - boolean value

setCollate(boolean value)

public void setCollate(boolean value)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the printed document is collated.


valuebooleanboolean value


public short getCopies()

Gets the number of copies of the document to print.

Returns: short - number of copies

setCopies(short value)

public void setCopies(short value)

Sets the number of copies of the document to print.


valueshortnumber of copies


public PrintPageSettings getDefaultPageSettings()

Gets the default page settings for this printer.

Returns: PrintPageSettings - default page settings


public int getFromPage()

Gets or sets the page number of the first page to print.

Returns: int - int value


public int getLandscapeAngle()

Gets the angle, in degrees, that the portrait orientation is rotated to produce the landscape orientation.

Returns: int - int value


public int getMaximumCopies()

Gets the maximum number of copies that the printer enables the user to print at a time.

Returns: int - int value


public int getMaximumPage()

Gets or sets the maximum FromPage or ToPage that can be selected in a PrintDialog.

Returns: int - int value


public int getMinimumPage()

Gets or sets the minimum FromPage or ToPage that can be selected in a PrintDialog.

Returns: int - int value


public ArrayList<PrintPaperSize> getPaperSizes()

Gets the paper sizes that are supported by this printer.

Returns: java.util.ArrayList<com.aspose.pdf.printing.PrintPaperSize> - ArrayList object


public ArrayList<PrintPaperSource> getPaperSources()

Gets the paper source trays that are available on the printer.

Returns: java.util.ArrayList<com.aspose.pdf.printing.PrintPaperSource> - ArrayList object


public String getPrinterName()

Gets or sets the name of the printer to use.

Returns: java.lang.String - string object


public System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.PrinterResolutionCollection getPrinterResolutions()

Gets all the resolutions that are supported by this printer.

Returns: com.aspose.ms.System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.PrinterResolutionCollection - PrinterResolutionCollection object


public String getPrintFileName()

Gets or sets the file name, when printing to a file.

Returns: java.lang.String - string object


public int getPrintRange()

Gets or sets the page numbers that the user has specified to be printed.

Returns: int - int value


public boolean isPrintToFile()

Gets a value indicating whether the printing output is sent to a file instead of a port.

Returns: boolean - boolean value

setPrintToFile(boolean value)

public void setPrintToFile(boolean value)

Sets a value indicating whether the printing output is sent to a file instead of a port.


valuebooleanboolean value


public boolean isSupportsColor()

Gets a value indicating whether this printer supports color printing.

Returns: boolean - boolean value


public int getToPage()

Gets or sets the number of the last page to print.

Returns: int - int value


public static ArrayList<String> getInstalledPrinters()

Gets the names of all printers installed on the computer.

Returns: java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> - ArrayList object


public boolean isDefaultPrinter()

Gets a value indicating whether the PrinterName property designates the default printer, except when the user explicitly sets PrinterName.

Returns: boolean - boolean value

isDirectPrintingSupported(String filename)

public boolean isDirectPrintingSupported(String filename)

Gets a value indicating whether the printer is Supported DirectPrinting


filenamejava.lang.StringString object

Returns: boolean - boolean value

isDirectPrintingSupported(ImageType format)

public boolean isDirectPrintingSupported(ImageType format)

Gets a value indicating whether the printer is Supported DirectPrinting


formatImageTypeImageType object

Returns: boolean - boolean value


public boolean isPlotter()

Gets a value indicating whether the printer is a plotter.

Returns: boolean - boolean value


public boolean isValid()

Gets a value indicating whether the PrinterName property designates a valid printer.

Returns: boolean - boolean value

setFromPage(int value)

public void setFromPage(int value)

Gets or sets the page number of the first page to print.


valueintint value

setMaximumPage(int value)

public void setMaximumPage(int value)

Gets or sets the maximum FromPage or ToPage that can be selected in a PrintDialog.


valueintint value

setMinimumPage(int value)

public void setMinimumPage(int value)

Gets or sets the minimum FromPage or ToPage that can be selected in a PrintDialog.


valueintint value

setPrinterName(String value)

public void setPrinterName(String value)

Sets the name of the printer to use.


valuejava.lang.Stringstring value

setPrintFileName(String value)

public void setPrintFileName(String value)

Sets the filename to print.


valuejava.lang.Stringstring value

setPrintRange(int value)

public void setPrintRange(int value)

Sets the page numbers that the user has specified to be printed.


valueintPdfPrintRange element

setToPage(int value)

public void setToPage(int value)

Sets the number of the last page to print.


valueintPdfPrintRange element

setSelectedPages(int[] pagesList)

public void setSelectedPages(int[] pagesList)

Sets the number of selected pages to print.


pagesListint[]int array


public int[] getSelectedPages()

Gets the number of selected pages to print.

Returns: int[] - pagesList int array