
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces:,, com.aspose.pdf.ISupportsMemoryCleanup, com.aspose.pdf.engine.IOperatorContainer

public final class Page implements System.IDisposable, Closeable, ISupportsMemoryCleanup, IOperatorContainer

Class representing page of PDF document.


isAddParagraphsAfterLast()Gets or sets the addition of paragraphs after the last paragraph of the page
setAddParagraphsAfterLast(boolean value)Gets or sets the addition of paragraphs after the last paragraph of the page
getBackgroundImage()Gets or sets background image for page (for generator only, not filled in when reading document).
setBackgroundImage(Image value)Gets or sets background image for page (for generator only, not filled in when reading document).
getTocInfo()Gets table of contents info.
setTocInfo(TocInfo value)Sets table of contents info.
getHeader()Gets page header.
setHeader(HeaderFooter value)Sets page header.
getLayers()Gets layers collection.
setLayers(ArrayList value)Sets layers collection.
setLayersInternal(System.Collections.Generic.List value)Sets layers collection.
getFooter()Gets page Footer.
setFooter(HeaderFooter value)Sets page Footer.
getParagraphs()Gets the paragraphs.
setParagraphs(Paragraphs value)Sets the paragraphs.
getPageInfo()Gets the page info.(for generator only, not filled in when reading document).
setPageInfo(PageInfo value)Sets the page info.(for generator only, not filled in when reading document).
convertToPNGMemoryStream()Convert page to PNG for DSR, OMR, OCR image stream.
addGraphics(GraphicElementCollection elements)Adds graphics to the page.
addGraphics(GraphicElementCollection elements, Rectangle rectangle)Adds graphics to the page.
deleteGraphics(GraphicElementCollection elementsToDelete)Deletes graphics from the page.
trySaveVectorGraphics(String pathToSave)Tries to save vector graphics if they are present on the page.
hasVectorGraphics()Detect of the presence of vector graphics, if it is present on the page.
getOnBeforePageGenerate()Event for customize header and footer.
getEnginePage()For Internal usage only
setEnginePage(IPage enginePage)For Internal usage only
getDocument()Get document
getRect_Rename_Namesake()Returns rectangle of the page according to its CropBox and MediaBox;
getRect()Returns rectangle of the page according to its CropBox and MediaBox; For get: page crop box is returned if specified, otherwise page media box is returned.
setRect(Rectangle value)Gets or sets rectangle of the page.
getColorType()Gets color type of the pages based on information getting from operators SetColor, images and forms.
getNoteLineStyle()Gets the line style for notes.(for generator only, not filled in when reading document)
setNoteLineStyle(GraphInfo value)Sets the line style for notes.(for generator only, not filled in when reading document)
isBlank(double fillThresholdFactor)Gets the flag whether page is blank or not.
getPageRect(boolean considerRotation)Returns rectangle of the page according to its CropBox (or MediaBox if CropBox null).
calculateContentBBox()Calculates bbox value - rectangle containing contents without visible margins.
getTabOrder()Gets tab order of the page.
setTabOrder(int value)Sets tab order of the page.
getDuration()Gets page display duration.
setDuration(double value)Sets page display duration.
getContents()Gets collection of operators in the content stream of the page.
getGroup()Gets a group attributes class specifying the attributes of the page’s page group for use in the transparent imaging model.
setGroup(Group value)Sets a group attributes class specifying the attributes of the page’s page group for use in the transparent imaging model.
getAnnotations()Gets collection of page annotations.
getResources()Gets page resources.
getRotate()Gets rotation of the page.
setRotate(int value)Sets rotation of the page.
getTrimBox()Gets trim box of the page.
setTrimBox(Rectangle value)Sets trim box of the page.
getArtBox()Gets art box of the page.
setArtBox(Rectangle value)Sets art box of the page.
getBleedBox()Gets bleed box of the page.
setBleedBox(Rectangle value)Sets bleed box of the page.
getCropBox()Gets crop box of the page.
setCropBox(Rectangle value)Sets crop box of the page.
getMediaBox()Gets media box of the page.
setMediaBox(Rectangle value)Sets media box of the page.
sendTo(PageDevice device, OutputStream output)Sends page to process with given page device.
accept(AnnotationSelector visitor)Accepts AnnotationSelector visitor object that provides functionality to work with annotations.
rotationToInt(int rotation)Translates rotation enumeration member into integer value.
intToRotation(int rotation)Translates integer value into corresponding rotation enumeration member.
addStamp(Stamp stamp)Put stamp into page.
addImage(InputStream imageStream, Rectangle imageRect)Adds image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image’s proportion.
addImage(String hocr, InputStream imageStream, Rectangle imageRect)Adds searchable image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image’s proportion.
addImage(InputStream imageStream, Rectangle imageRect, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, boolean saveImageProportions)Adds searchable image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image’s proportion.
addImage(String imagePath, Rectangle rectangle)Adds image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image’s proportion.
addImage(InputStream stream, Rectangle rectangle, CompositingParameters compositingParameters)Adds image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image’s proportion.
sendTo(PageDevice device, String outputFileName)Sends page to process with given page device.
flatten()Removes all static fields located on the page and place their values instead.
accept(TextFragmentAbsorber visitor)Accepts TextFragmentAbsorber visitor object that provides functionality to work with text objects.
accept(ImagePlacementAbsorber visitor)Accepts ImagePlacementAbsorber visitor object that provides functionality to work with image placement objects.
accept(TextAbsorber visitor)Accepts TextAbsorber visitor object that provides functionality to work with text objects.
setPageSize(double width, double height)Sets page size for page.
setTransition(IPdfDictionary transition)Set transition
getNumber()Get number of the page.
getRotationMatrix()Gets transfomation matrix for the page.
getContentsAppender()Gets current contents appender.
getBackground()Gets the background color of the page.
setBackground(Color value)Sets the background color of the page.
setBackground(Color value)Sets the background color of the page.
getWatermark()Gets the watermark of the page.
setWatermark(Watermark value)Sets the watermark of the page.
removeObjectReferences(String name)Remove references to XObject from page contents (i.e.
removeObjectReferences(OperatorCollection contents, String name)Remove object references
findReferences(String name)Find references
findReferences(OperatorCollection contents, String name)Returns list of operators which uses resource with specified name.
close()Closes all resources used by this document.
dispose()Frees up memory
fillUsedObjectsTable(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Integer,Integer> usageTable, IPdfDictionary CommonResources)
deleteUnusedResources(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Integer,Integer> usageTable)
clearContents()For internal usage only
getArtifacts()Gets collection of artifacts on the page.
getActions()Gets collection of page properties.
makeGrayscale()Converts the page to grayscale.
freeMemory()Clears cached data
getNotifications()Returns notifications about inside operations with page content.
asByteArray(Resolution resolution)Converts current page as BMP bitmap and than returns array of bytes.
asXml()Converts current page as xml in utf8 encoding.
getFieldsInTabOrder()Gets list of Field object in Tab order on this page.
getUserUnit()Gets or sets UserUnit value.
setUserUnit(double value)Gets or sets UserUnit value.


public final boolean isAddParagraphsAfterLast()

Gets or sets the addition of paragraphs after the last paragraph of the page

Value: Value indicates whether paragraphs will be added after the last paragraph of the page. Paragraphs will be added after the last paragraph of the page if value is true.

Returns: boolean - boolean value

setAddParagraphsAfterLast(boolean value)

public final void setAddParagraphsAfterLast(boolean value)

Gets or sets the addition of paragraphs after the last paragraph of the page

Value: Value indicates whether paragraphs will be added after the last paragraph of the page. Paragraphs will be added after the last paragraph of the page if value is true.


valuebooleanboolean value


public final Image getBackgroundImage()

Gets or sets background image for page (for generator only, not filled in when reading document).

Returns: Image - Image instance

setBackgroundImage(Image value)

public final void setBackgroundImage(Image value)

Gets or sets background image for page (for generator only, not filled in when reading document).


valueImageImage instance


public TocInfo getTocInfo()

Gets table of contents info.

Returns: TocInfo - The table of contents info - default null. If it set this page will contain table of contents.

setTocInfo(TocInfo value)

public void setTocInfo(TocInfo value)

Sets table of contents info.


valueTocInfoThe table of contents info - default null. If it set this page will contain table of contents.


public HeaderFooter getHeader()

Gets page header.

Returns: HeaderFooter - The page header.

setHeader(HeaderFooter value)

public void setHeader(HeaderFooter value)

Sets page header.


valueHeaderFooterThe page header.


public List<Layer> getLayers()

Gets layers collection.

Returns: java.util.List<com.aspose.pdf.Layer> - Value: The layers’ collection.

setLayers(ArrayList value)

public void setLayers(ArrayList<Layer> value)

Sets layers collection.


valuejava.util.ArrayList<com.aspose.pdf.Layer>: The layers collection.

setLayersInternal(System.Collections.Generic.List value)

public void setLayersInternal(System.Collections.Generic.List<Layer> value)

Sets layers collection.


ParameterTypeDescription<com.aspose.pdf.Layer>: The layers collection.


public HeaderFooter getFooter()

Gets page Footer.

Returns: HeaderFooter - The page Footer.

setFooter(HeaderFooter value)

public void setFooter(HeaderFooter value)

Sets page Footer.


valueHeaderFooterThe page Footer.


public Paragraphs getParagraphs()

Gets the paragraphs.

Returns: Paragraphs - The paragraphs.

setParagraphs(Paragraphs value)

public void setParagraphs(Paragraphs value)

Sets the paragraphs.


valueParagraphsParagraphs value


public PageInfo getPageInfo()

Gets the page info.(for generator only, not filled in when reading document).

Returns: PageInfo - The page info.

setPageInfo(PageInfo value)

public void setPageInfo(PageInfo value)

Sets the page info.(for generator only, not filled in when reading document).


valuePageInfoThe page info.


public byte[] convertToPNGMemoryStream()

Convert page to PNG for DSR, OMR, OCR image stream.

Returns: byte[] - Image stream in byte[] array.

addGraphics(GraphicElementCollection elements)

public final void addGraphics(GraphicElementCollection elements)

Adds graphics to the page. Works faster than adding elements one by one with GraphicElement#addOnPage(Page) method.


elementsGraphicElementCollectionGraphics collection.

addGraphics(GraphicElementCollection elements, Rectangle rectangle)

public final void addGraphics(GraphicElementCollection elements, Rectangle rectangle)

Adds graphics to the page. Works faster than adding elements one by one with GraphicElement#addOnPage(Page) method.


elementsGraphicElementCollectionGraphics collection.
rectangleRectangleElements will be added to the page if it’s (/) is inside the rectangle area. If rectangle is null, all graphic elements will be added

deleteGraphics(GraphicElementCollection elementsToDelete)

public final void deleteGraphics(GraphicElementCollection elementsToDelete)

Deletes graphics from the page. Works faster than deleting elements one by one with GraphicElement#remove method.


elementsToDeleteGraphicElementCollectionGraphics collection that will be deleted from the page.

trySaveVectorGraphics(String pathToSave)

public final boolean trySaveVectorGraphics(String pathToSave)

Tries to save vector graphics if they are present on the page. The save format is SVG.


pathToSavejava.lang.StringOutput file

Returns: boolean - True if the page contains path construction operators; otherwise, False.


public final boolean hasVectorGraphics()

Detect of the presence of vector graphics, if it is present on the page.

Returns: boolean - True if the page contains path construction operators; otherwise, False.


public PdfEvent<Page.BeforePageGenerate> getOnBeforePageGenerate()

Event for customize header and footer.

Returns: PdfEvent - PdfEvent instance


public IPage getEnginePage()

For Internal usage only

Returns: IPage - internal instance

setEnginePage(IPage enginePage)

public void setEnginePage(IPage enginePage)

For Internal usage only


enginePageIPageinternal instance


public IDocument getDocument()

Get document

Returns: IDocument - IDocument object


public Rectangle getRect_Rename_Namesake()

Returns rectangle of the page according to its CropBox and MediaBox;


Returns: Rectangle - Rectangle value

Example demonstrates how to get page rectangle:

 Document document = new Document("sample.pdf");
 Page page = document.getPages().get(1);
 Rectangle pageRect = page.getRect();


public Rectangle getRect()

Returns rectangle of the page according to its CropBox and MediaBox; For get: page crop box is returned if specified, otherwise page media box is returned. For set: page media box always set.

Returns: Rectangle - Rectangle value

Example demonstrates how to get page rectangle:

 Document document = new Document("sample.pdf");
 Page page = document.getPages().get(1);
 Rectangle pageRect = page.getRect();

setRect(Rectangle value)

public void setRect(Rectangle value)

Gets or sets rectangle of the page. For get: page crop box is returned if specified, otherwise page media box is returned. For set: page media box always set. is returned. Please note that this property don’t consider page rotation. To get page rectangle considering rotation please use ActualRect.


valueRectangleRectangle object


public int getColorType()

Gets color type of the pages based on information getting from operators SetColor, images and forms.

Returns: int - ColorType element


public GraphInfo getNoteLineStyle()

Gets the line style for notes.(for generator only, not filled in when reading document)

Returns: GraphInfo - GraphInfo value

setNoteLineStyle(GraphInfo value)

public void setNoteLineStyle(GraphInfo value)

Sets the line style for notes.(for generator only, not filled in when reading document)


valueGraphInfo: GraphInfo value

isBlank(double fillThresholdFactor)

public boolean isBlank(double fillThresholdFactor)

Gets the flag whether page is blank or not.


fillThresholdFactordoubleThe fill threshold value that manages the sensitivity of detection. Should be equal or greater than 0.01.

Returns: boolean - boolean value True - if page is blank; otherwise, false.

getPageRect(boolean considerRotation)

public Rectangle getPageRect(boolean considerRotation)

Returns rectangle of the page according to its CropBox (or MediaBox if CropBox null).


considerRotationbooleanIf true then rotation of the page will be considered in rect calculation.

Returns: Rectangle - Rectangle of the page.


public Rectangle calculateContentBBox()

Calculates bbox value - rectangle containing contents without visible margins.

Returns: Rectangle - Bbox value - rectangle containing contents without visible margins


public int getTabOrder()

Gets tab order of the page. Possible values: Row, Column. Default, Manual

Returns: int - TabOrder value

setTabOrder(int value)

public void setTabOrder(int value)

Sets tab order of the page. Possible values: Row, Column. Default, Manual


valueintTabOrder object


public double getDuration()

Gets page display duration. This is time in seconds that page shall be displayed during presentation. Returns -1 if duration is not defined.

Example demonstrates how to get page duration

Document document = new Document(“sample.pdf”); Page page = document.getPages().get(1); int pageRect = page.getDuration();

Returns: double - double value

setDuration(double value)

public void setDuration(double value)

Sets page display duration. This is time in seconds that page shall be displayed during presentation. Returns -1 if duration is not defined.


valuedoublepage display duration.


public OperatorCollection getContents()

Gets collection of operators in the content stream of the page. OperatorCollection

Returns: OperatorCollection - OperatorCollection object

Example is demonstrates how to scan operators stream of page.

 Document document = new Document("sample.pdf");
 Operators contents = document.getPages().get_Item(1).getContents();
 for(Operator op : ```


public Group getGroup()

Gets a group attributes class specifying the attributes of the page’s page group for use in the transparent imaging model.

Returns: Group - Group value

setGroup(Group value)

public void setGroup(Group value)

Sets a group attributes class specifying the attributes of the page’s page group for use in the transparent imaging model.


valueGroupGroup value


public AnnotationCollection getAnnotations()

Gets collection of page annotations. Annotations

Returns: AnnotationCollection - AnnotationCollection value


public Resources getResources()

Gets page resources. Resources object contains collections of images, forms and fonts. Resources

Returns: Resources - Resources value

Example demonstrates scan through page images:

 Document document = new Document("sample.pdf");
 DocumentActions actions = document.getActions();
 Resources resources = document.getPages().get(1).getResources();
 for(XImage image : ```
   System.out.println(image.getWidth() + ":" + image.getHeight());


public int getRotate()

Gets rotation of the page.

Returns: int - Rotation element

Example demonstrates how to determine page rotation.

 Document document = new Document("sample.pdf");

setRotate(int value)

public void setRotate(int value)

Sets rotation of the page.


valueintRotation element


public Rectangle getTrimBox()

Gets trim box of the page.

Returns: Rectangle - Rectangle value

Example demonstrates how to get trim box of the page:

 Document document = new Document("sample.pdf");
 Rectangle trimBox = document.getPages().get(1).getTrimBox();

setTrimBox(Rectangle value)

public void setTrimBox(Rectangle value)

Sets trim box of the page.


valueRectangleRectangle value


public Rectangle getArtBox()

Gets art box of the page.

Returns: Rectangle - Rectangle value

Example demonstrates how to get art box of the page:

 Document document = new Document("sample.pdf");
 Rectangle artBox = document.getPages().get(1).getArtBox();

setArtBox(Rectangle value)

public void setArtBox(Rectangle value)

Sets art box of the page.


valueRectangleRectangle value


public Rectangle getBleedBox()

Gets bleed box of the page.

Returns: Rectangle - Rectangle value

Example demonstrates how to get bleed box of the page:

 Document document = new Document("sample.pdf");
 Rectangle bleedBox = document.getPages().get(1).getBleedBox();

setBleedBox(Rectangle value)

public void setBleedBox(Rectangle value)

Sets bleed box of the page.


valueRectangleRectangle value


public Rectangle getCropBox()

Gets crop box of the page.

Returns: Rectangle - Rectangle value

Example demonstrates how to get crop box of the page:

 Document document = new Document("sample.pdf");
 Rectangle cropBox = document.getPages().get_Item(1).getCropBox();

setCropBox(Rectangle value)

public void setCropBox(Rectangle value)

Sets crop box of the page.

Example demonstrates how to get crop box of the page:

 Document document = new Document("sample.pdf");
 document.getPages().get_Item(1).setCropBox(new Rectangle(0d,0d,100d,100d));


valueRectangleRectangle object


public Rectangle getMediaBox()

Gets media box of the page.

Returns: Rectangle - Rectangle value

Example demonstrates how to get media box of the page:

 Document document = new Document("sample.pdf");
 Rectangle mediaBox = document.getPages().get(1).getMediaBox();

setMediaBox(Rectangle value)

public void setMediaBox(Rectangle value)

Sets media box of the page.



sendTo(PageDevice device, OutputStream output)

public void sendTo(PageDevice device, OutputStream output)

Sends page to process with given page device.


devicePageDeviceThe device to process page. stream which is used with device to save its output.

accept(AnnotationSelector visitor)

public void accept(AnnotationSelector visitor)

Accepts AnnotationSelector visitor object that provides functionality to work with annotations.


visitorAnnotationSelectorAnnotation selector sobject.

rotationToInt(int rotation)

public static int rotationToInt(int rotation)

Translates rotation enumeration member into integer value.


rotationintRotation enumeratioom member.

Returns: int - Corresponding integer value

intToRotation(int rotation)

public static int intToRotation(int rotation)

Translates integer value into corresponding rotation enumeration member.


rotationintInteger value to convert

Returns: int - Rotation enumeration member

addStamp(Stamp stamp)

public void addStamp(Stamp stamp)

Put stamp into page. Stamp can be page number, image or simple text, e.g. some logo.


stampStampStamp to add on the page. Each stamp has its coordinates and corresponding properties regarding to the kind of stamp, i.e. image or text value.

addImage(InputStream imageStream, Rectangle imageRect)

public void addImage(InputStream imageStream, Rectangle imageRect)

Adds image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image’s proportion.


ParameterTypeDescription stream of the image.
imageRectRectangleThe position of the image.

addImage(String hocr, InputStream imageStream, Rectangle imageRect)

public void addImage(String hocr, InputStream imageStream, Rectangle imageRect)

Adds searchable image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image’s proportion.


hocrjava.lang.StringThe hocr of the image. stream of the image.
imageRectRectangleThe position of the image.

addImage(InputStream imageStream, Rectangle imageRect, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, boolean saveImageProportions)

public void addImage(InputStream imageStream, Rectangle imageRect, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, boolean saveImageProportions)

Adds searchable image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image’s proportion.


ParameterTypeDescription object
imageRectRectangleRectangle object
imageWidthintint value
imageHeightintint value
saveImageProportionsbooleanboolean value

addImage(String imagePath, Rectangle rectangle)

public void addImage(String imagePath, Rectangle rectangle)

Adds image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image’s proportion.


imagePathjava.lang.StringThe path to image.
rectangleRectangleThe position of the image.

addImage(InputStream stream, Rectangle rectangle, CompositingParameters compositingParameters)

public void addImage(InputStream stream, Rectangle rectangle, CompositingParameters compositingParameters)

Adds image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image’s proportion.


ParameterTypeDescription stream of the image.
rectangleRectangleThe position of the image.
compositingParametersCompositingParametersThe compositing parameters.

sendTo(PageDevice device, String outputFileName)

public void sendTo(PageDevice device, String outputFileName)

Sends page to process with given page device.


devicePageDeviceThe device to process page.
outputFileNamejava.lang.StringFile which is used with device to save its output.


public void flatten()

Removes all static fields located on the page and place their values instead.

accept(TextFragmentAbsorber visitor)

public void accept(TextFragmentAbsorber visitor)

Accepts TextFragmentAbsorber visitor object that provides functionality to work with text objects.


visitorTextFragmentAbsorberText absorber object.

accept(ImagePlacementAbsorber visitor)

public void accept(ImagePlacementAbsorber visitor)

Accepts ImagePlacementAbsorber visitor object that provides functionality to work with image placement objects.


visitorImagePlacementAbsorberImage placement absorber object.

accept(TextAbsorber visitor)

public void accept(TextAbsorber visitor)

Accepts TextAbsorber visitor object that provides functionality to work with text objects.


visitorTextAbsorberText absorber object.

setPageSize(double width, double height)

public void setPageSize(double width, double height)

Sets page size for page.


widthdoublePage width.
heightdoublePage size.

setTransition(IPdfDictionary transition)

public void setTransition(IPdfDictionary transition)

Set transition


transitionIPdfDictionaryIPdfDictionary object


public final int getNumber()

Get number of the page.

Returns: int - int value


public Matrix getRotationMatrix()

Gets transfomation matrix for the page.

Returns: Matrix - Matrix value


public ContentsAppender getContentsAppender()

Gets current contents appender. ContentsAppender

Returns: ContentsAppender - ContentsAppender value


public Color getBackground()

Gets the background color of the page.

Returns: Color - Color value

setBackground(Color value)

public void setBackground(Color value)

Sets the background color of the page.


valuejava.awt.ColorColor object

setBackground(Color value)

public void setBackground(Color value)

Sets the background color of the page.


valueColorColor object


public Watermark getWatermark()

Gets the watermark of the page.

Returns: Watermark - Watermark value

setWatermark(Watermark value)

public void setWatermark(Watermark value)

Sets the watermark of the page.


valueWatermarkWatermark object

removeObjectReferences(String name)

public void removeObjectReferences(String name)

Remove references to XObject from page contents (i.e. all Do operators which use name of object).


namejava.lang.StringString value

removeObjectReferences(OperatorCollection contents, String name)

public static void removeObjectReferences(OperatorCollection contents, String name)

Remove object references


contentsOperatorCollectionOperatorCollection object

findReferences(String name)

public List<Object> findReferences(String name)

Find references


namejava.lang.StringString value

Returns: java.util.List<java.lang.Object> - List object

findReferences(OperatorCollection contents, String name)

public static List<Object> findReferences(OperatorCollection contents, String name)

Returns list of operators which uses resource with specified name.


contentsOperatorCollectionOperatorCollection value
namejava.lang.StringString value

Returns: java.util.List<java.lang.Object> - List of Object


public void close()

Closes all resources used by this document.


public void dispose()

Frees up memory

This method is obsolete, use close() instead.

fillUsedObjectsTable(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Integer,Integer> usageTable, IPdfDictionary CommonResources)

public void fillUsedObjectsTable(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Integer,Integer> usageTable, IPdfDictionary CommonResources)



deleteUnusedResources(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Integer,Integer> usageTable)

public void deleteUnusedResources(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Integer,Integer> usageTable)




public void clearContents()

For internal usage only


public ArtifactCollection getArtifacts()

Gets collection of artifacts on the page.

Returns: ArtifactCollection - ArtifactCollection value


public PageActionCollection getActions()

Gets collection of page properties.

Returns: PageActionCollection - PageActionCollection value


public final void makeGrayscale()

Converts the page to grayscale.


public void freeMemory()

Clears cached data


public String getNotifications()

Returns notifications about inside operations with page content. (Only notifications about paragraph events in text adding scenarios are supported now.)

Returns: java.lang.String - String representing notifications about inside operations with page content.

asByteArray(Resolution resolution)

public byte[] asByteArray(Resolution resolution)

Converts current page as BMP bitmap and than returns array of bytes.


resolutionResolutionThe resolution.

Returns: byte[] - Converted array of image bytes.


public String asXml()

Converts current page as xml in utf8 encoding.

Returns: java.lang.String - Converted xml string.


public List<Field> getFieldsInTabOrder()

Gets list of Field object in Tab order on this page.

Returns: java.util.List<com.aspose.pdf.Field> - List of field objects


public final double getUserUnit()

Gets or sets UserUnit value. A positive number giving the size of default user space units, in multiples of 1 \u0432\u0403\u201e 72 inch. Default value is 1. Please set zero or negative value in order to clear this entry in page.

Returns: double - double value

setUserUnit(double value)

public final void setUserUnit(double value)

Gets or sets UserUnit value. A positive number giving the size of default user space units, in multiples of 1 \u0432\u0403\u201e 72 inch. Default value is 1. Please set zero or negative value in order to clear this entry in page.


valuedoubledouble value