
Inheritance: java.lang.Object,,

public final class PredefinedAction extends System.Enum

Defines different actions which can be triggered from a PDF file.


FirstPageA named action to go to the first page.
LastPageA named action to go to the last page.
NextPageA named action to go to the next page.
PrevPageA named action to go to the previous page.
PrintDialogA named action to open a print dialog (JavaScript).
PrintA named action to open a print dialog.
Bookmarks_ExpanCurrentBookmarkA named action to find current bookmark.
Bookmarks_HightlightCurrentBookmarkA named action to highlight current bookmark.
Document_AttachFileA named action to add file attachment.
Document_CropPagesA named action to crop document pages.
Document_DeletePagesA named action to delete document pages.
Document_ExtractPagesA named action to exctract document pages.
Document_InsertPagesA named action to insert pages from a document.
Document_ReplacePagesA named action to replace document pages.
Document_RotatePagesA named action to rotate document pages.
Edit_CheckSpelling_InComFieldEditA named action to check spelling in comments.
Edit_FindA named action to find.
Edit_PreferencesA named action to edit preferences.
Edit_SearchA named action for searching.
File_AttachToEmailA named action for attaching current pdf document into email message.
File_CloseA named action to close the document.
File_CreatePDF_FromScannerA named action to create pdf document from scanner.
File_CreatePDF_FromWebPageA named action to create pdf document from web page.
File_ExitA named action to exit pdf reader.
File_Organizer_OpenOrganizerA named action to open organizer.
File_PrintA named action to print the document.
File_PropertiesA named action to open the document properties.
File_SaveAsA named action to save the document with another name.
Miscellaneous_ZoomInA named action to zoom in the document.
Miscellaneous_ZoomOutA named action to zoom out the document.
PageImages_PrintPagesA named action to print the document pages.
View_GoTo_NextViewA named action to go to the next view.
View_GoTo_PageA named action to go to the certain page.
View_GoTo_PreDocumentA named action to go to the previous document.
View_GoTo_PreViewA named action to go to the previous view.
View_NavigationPanels_ArticlesA named action to show/hide articles panel.
View_NavigationPanels_AttachmentsA named action to show/hide attachment panel.
View_NavigationPanels_BoomarksA named action to show/hide bookmark panel.
View_NavigationPanels_CommentsA named action to show/hide comments panel.
View_NavigationPanels_FieldsA named action to show/hide fields panel.
View_NavigationPanels_LayersA named action to show/hide layers panel.
View_NavigationPanels_ModelTreeA named action to show/hide model tree panel.
View_NavigationPanels_PagesA named action to show/hide pages panel.
View_NavigationPanels_SignaturesA named action to show/hide signatures panel.
View_PageDisplay_SinglePageA named action to display single page.
View_PageDisplay_SinglePageContinuousA named action to display single continious page.
View_PageDisplay_TwoUpA named action to display pages as Two-Up.
View_PageDisplay_TwoUpContinuousA named action to display pages as Two-Up continious.
View_Toolbars_AdvanceEditingA named action to show/hide advanced editing toolbar.
View_Toolbars_CommentMarkupA named action to show/hide commenting toolbar.
View_Toolbars_EditA named action to show/hide edit toolbar.
View_Toolbars_FileA named action to show/hide file toolbar.
View_Toolbars_FindA named action to show/hide find toolbar.
View_Toolbars_FormsA named action to show/hide forms toolbar.
View_Toolbars_MeasuringA named action to show/hide measuring toolbar.
View_Toolbars_ObjectDataA named action to show/hide object data toolbar.
View_Toolbars_PageDisplayA named action to show/hide page display toolbar.
View_Toolbars_PageNavigationA named action to show/hide navigation toolbar.
View_Toolbars_PrintProductionA named action to show/hide print production toolbar.
View_Toolbars_PropertiesBarA named action to show/hide property toolbar.
View_Toolbars_RedactionA named action to show/hide redaction toolbar.
View_Toolbars_SelectZoomA named action to show/hide select & zoom toolbar.
View_Toolbars_TasksA named action to show/hide tasks toolbar.
View_Toolbars_TypewriterA named action to show/hide typewriter toolbar.
View_Zoom_ActualSizeA named action to view pages in actual size.
View_Zoom_FitHeightA named action to fit page on height.
View_Zoom_FitPageA named action to fit page.
View_Zoom_FitVisibleA named action to fit page visibility.
View_Zoom_FitWidthA named action to fit page on width.
View_Zoom_ZoomToA named action to make zoom.
Window_FullScreenModeA named action to view the document in the full screen mode.


public static final int FirstPage

A named action to go to the first page.


public static final int LastPage

A named action to go to the last page.


public static final int NextPage

A named action to go to the next page.


public static final int PrevPage

A named action to go to the previous page.


public static final int PrintDialog

A named action to open a print dialog (JavaScript).


public static final int Print

A named action to open a print dialog.


public static final int Bookmarks_ExpanCurrentBookmark

A named action to find current bookmark.


public static final int Bookmarks_HightlightCurrentBookmark

A named action to highlight current bookmark.


public static final int Document_AttachFile

A named action to add file attachment.


public static final int Document_CropPages

A named action to crop document pages.


public static final int Document_DeletePages

A named action to delete document pages.


public static final int Document_ExtractPages

A named action to exctract document pages.


public static final int Document_InsertPages

A named action to insert pages from a document.


public static final int Document_ReplacePages

A named action to replace document pages.


public static final int Document_RotatePages

A named action to rotate document pages.


public static final int Edit_CheckSpelling_InComFieldEdit

A named action to check spelling in comments.


public static final int Edit_Find

A named action to find.


public static final int Edit_Preferences

A named action to edit preferences.

public static final int Edit_Search

A named action for searching.


public static final int File_AttachToEmail

A named action for attaching current pdf document into email message.


public static final int File_Close

A named action to close the document.


public static final int File_CreatePDF_FromScanner

A named action to create pdf document from scanner.


public static final int File_CreatePDF_FromWebPage

A named action to create pdf document from web page.


public static final int File_Exit

A named action to exit pdf reader.


public static final int File_Organizer_OpenOrganizer

A named action to open organizer.


public static final int File_Print

A named action to print the document.


public static final int File_Properties

A named action to open the document properties.


public static final int File_SaveAs

A named action to save the document with another name.


public static final int Miscellaneous_ZoomIn

A named action to zoom in the document.


public static final int Miscellaneous_ZoomOut

A named action to zoom out the document.


public static final int PageImages_PrintPages

A named action to print the document pages.


public static final int View_GoTo_NextView

A named action to go to the next view.


public static final int View_GoTo_Page

A named action to go to the certain page.


public static final int View_GoTo_PreDocument

A named action to go to the previous document.


public static final int View_GoTo_PreView

A named action to go to the previous view.


public static final int View_NavigationPanels_Articles

A named action to show/hide articles panel.


public static final int View_NavigationPanels_Attachments

A named action to show/hide attachment panel.


public static final int View_NavigationPanels_Boomarks

A named action to show/hide bookmark panel.


public static final int View_NavigationPanels_Comments

A named action to show/hide comments panel.


public static final int View_NavigationPanels_Fields

A named action to show/hide fields panel.


public static final int View_NavigationPanels_Layers

A named action to show/hide layers panel.


public static final int View_NavigationPanels_ModelTree

A named action to show/hide model tree panel.


public static final int View_NavigationPanels_Pages

A named action to show/hide pages panel.


public static final int View_NavigationPanels_Signatures

A named action to show/hide signatures panel.


public static final int View_PageDisplay_SinglePage

A named action to display single page.


public static final int View_PageDisplay_SinglePageContinuous

A named action to display single continious page.


public static final int View_PageDisplay_TwoUp

A named action to display pages as Two-Up.


public static final int View_PageDisplay_TwoUpContinuous

A named action to display pages as Two-Up continious.


public static final int View_Toolbars_AdvanceEditing

A named action to show/hide advanced editing toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_CommentMarkup

A named action to show/hide commenting toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_Edit

A named action to show/hide edit toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_File

A named action to show/hide file toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_Find

A named action to show/hide find toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_Forms

A named action to show/hide forms toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_Measuring

A named action to show/hide measuring toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_ObjectData

A named action to show/hide object data toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_PageDisplay

A named action to show/hide page display toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_PageNavigation

A named action to show/hide navigation toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_PrintProduction

A named action to show/hide print production toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_PropertiesBar

A named action to show/hide property toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_Redaction

A named action to show/hide redaction toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_SelectZoom

A named action to show/hide select & zoom toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_Tasks

A named action to show/hide tasks toolbar.


public static final int View_Toolbars_Typewriter

A named action to show/hide typewriter toolbar.


public static final int View_Zoom_ActualSize

A named action to view pages in actual size.


public static final int View_Zoom_FitHeight

A named action to fit page on height.


public static final int View_Zoom_FitPage

A named action to fit page.


public static final int View_Zoom_FitVisible

A named action to fit page visibility.


public static final int View_Zoom_FitWidth

A named action to fit page on width.


public static final int View_Zoom_ZoomTo

A named action to make zoom.


public static final int Window_FullScreenMode

A named action to view the document in the full screen mode.