
CompareFlatDocuments(Document, Document, ComparisonOptions)

Compares two documents page by page. The documents are compared as a whole. Before comparing text, the texts of document pages are combined into one text.

public static List<DiffOperation> CompareFlatDocuments(Document document1, Document document2, 
    ComparisonOptions options)
document1DocumentFirst document.
document2DocumentSecond document.
optionsComparisonOptionsComparison options.

Return Value

List of changes.

See Also

CompareFlatDocuments(Document, Document, ComparisonOptions, string)

Compares two documents page by page. The result is saved in a PDF file. The documents are compared as a whole. Before comparing text, the texts of document pages are combined into one text.

public static List<DiffOperation> CompareFlatDocuments(Document document1, Document document2, 
    ComparisonOptions options, string resultPdfDocumentPath)
document1DocumentFirst document.
document2DocumentSecond document.
optionsComparisonOptionsComparison options.
resultPdfDocumentPathStringPath to the pdf file to save the comparison results.

Return Value

List of changes.

See Also