Class JpegDevice

JpegDevice class

Represents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into jpeg.

public sealed class JpegDevice : ImageDevice


JpegDevice()Initializes a new instance of the JpegDevice class with default resolution and maximum quality.
JpegDevice(int)Initializes a new instance of the JpegDevice class.
JpegDevice(PageSize)Initializes a new instance of the JpegDevice class with provided page size, default resolution (=150) and maximum quality.
JpegDevice(Resolution)Initializes a new instance of the JpegDevice class. Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class.
JpegDevice(int, int)Initializes a new instance of the JpegDevice class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150) and maximum quality.
JpegDevice(PageSize, Resolution)Initializes a new instance of the JpegDevice class with provided page size, resolution and maximum quality.
JpegDevice(Resolution, int)Initializes a new instance of the JpegDevice class.
JpegDevice(int, int, Resolution)Initializes a new instance of the JpegDevice class with provided image dimensions, resolution and maximum quality.
JpegDevice(PageSize, Resolution, int)Initializes a new instance of the JpegDevice class with provided page size, resolution and quality.
JpegDevice(int, int, Resolution, int)Initializes a new instance of the JpegDevice class with provided image dimensions, resolution and quality.


CoordinateType { get; set; }Gets or sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default.
FormPresentationMode { get; set; }Gets or sets form presentation mode.
Height { get; }Gets image output height.
RenderingOptions { get; set; }Gets or sets rendering options.
Resolution { get; }Gets image resolution.
Width { get; }Gets image output width.


override Process(Page, Stream)Converts the page into jpeg and saves it in the output stream.
Process(Page, string)Perfoms some operation on the given page and saves results into the file.


The following example shows how to convert PDF file to JPEG Images.

	// The path to your PDF Directory
	string dataDir = @"YOUR_DATA_DIRECTORY";

	// The file name of the PDF
	string pdfFile = @"YOUR_PDF_FILE";

	// Initialize instance of Document class
	using (Document pdfDocument = new Document(Path.Combine(dataDir, pdfFile)))
		// Create Resolution object 	
		Resolution resolution = new Resolution(300);

		// Initialize JpegDevice	
		JpegDevice jpegDevice = new JpegDevice(resolution);
		for (int pageCount = 1; pageCount <= pdfDocument.Pages.Count; pageCount++)
			using (FileStream jpegStream =
			new FileStream($"{dataDir}image{pageCount}_out.jpeg",
				// Convert a particular page and save the image to stream
				jpegDevice.Process(pdfDocument.Pages[pageCount], jpegStream);

				// Close stream

    ' The path to your PDF Directory
    Dim dataDir As String = "YOUR_DATA_DIRECTORY"
	' The file name of the PDF
    Dim pdfFile As String = "YOUR_PDF_FILE"
    ' Initialize instance of Document class 
    Using pdfDocument As Document = New Document(Path.Combine(dataDir, pdfFile))
		' Create Resolution object  
		Dim resolution As Resolution = New Resolution(300)
		' Initialize JpegDevice
		Dim jpegDevice As JpegDevice = New JpegDevice(resolution)
		For pageCount As Integer = 1 To pdfDocument.Pages.Count
			Using jpegStream As FileStream = New FileStream($"{dataDir}image{pageCount}_out.jpeg", FileMode.Create)
				' Convert a particular page and save the image to stream
				jpegDevice.Process(pdfDocument.Pages(pageCount), jpegStream)

				' Close stream
			End Using
    End Using

See Also