AddField(FieldType, string, int, float, float, float, float) | Add field of specified type to the form. |
AddField(FieldType, string, string, int, float, float, float, float) | Add field of specified type to the form. |
AddFieldScript(string, string) | Add JavaScript for a PushButton field. If old event exists, new event is added after it. |
AddListItem(string, string) | Adds new item to the list box. |
AddListItem(string, string[]) | Add a new item with Export value to the existing list box field, only for AcroForm combo box field. |
AddSubmitBtn(string, int, string, string, float, float, float, float) | Add submit button on the form. |
virtual BindPdf(Document) | Initializes the facade. |
virtual BindPdf(Stream) | Initializes the facade. |
virtual BindPdf(string) | Initializes the facade. |
override Close() | Closes the facade. |
CopyInnerField(string, string, int) | Copies an existing field to the same position in specified page number. A new document will be produced, which contains everything the source document has except for the newly copied field. |
CopyInnerField(string, string, int, float, float) | Copies an existing field to a new position specified by both page number and ordinates. A new document will be produced, which contains everything the source document has except for the newly copied field. |
CopyOuterField(string, string) | Copies an existing field from one PDF document to another document with original page number and ordinates. Notice: Only for AcroForm fields (excluding radio box). |
CopyOuterField(string, string, int) | Copies an existing field from one PDF document to another document with specified page number and original ordinates. Notice: Only for AcroForm fields (excluding radio box). |
CopyOuterField(string, string, int, float, float) | Copies an existing field from one PDF document to another document with specified page number and ordinates. Notice: Only for AcroForm fields (excluding radio box). |
DecorateField() | Changes visual attributes of all fields in the PDF document. |
DecorateField(FieldType) | Changes visual attributes of all fields with the specified field type. |
DecorateField(string) | Changes visual attributes of the specified field. |
DelListItem(string, string) | Delete item from the list field. |
Dispose() | Disposes the facade. |
GetFieldAppearance(string) | Get field flags. |
MoveField(string, float, float, float, float) | Set new position of field. |
RemoveField(string) | Remove field from the form. |
RemoveFieldAction(string) | Remove submit action of the field. |
RenameField(string, string) | Change name of the field. |
ResetFacade() | Reset all visual attribtues to empty value. |
ResetInnerFacade() | Reset all visual attribtues of inner facade to empty value. |
virtual Save(Stream) | Saves the PDF document to the specified stream. |
virtual Save(string) | Saves the PDF document to the specified file. |
SetFieldAlignment(string, int) | Set the alignment style of a text field. |
SetFieldAlignmentV(string, int) | Set the vertical alignment style of a text field. |
SetFieldAppearance(string, AnnotationFlags) | Set field flags |
SetFieldAttribute(string, PropertyFlag) | Set attributes of field. |
SetFieldCombNumber(string, int) | Sets number of combs for a regular single-line text field (the field is automatically divided into as many equally spaced positions, or combs, as the value of combNumber parameter). |
SetFieldLimit(string, int) | Sets maximum character count of the text field. |
SetFieldScript(string, string) | Set JavaScript for a PushButton field. If old JavaScript existed, it will be replaced by the new one. |
SetSubmitFlag(string, SubmitFormFlag) | Set submit flag of submit button. |
SetSubmitUrl(string, string) | Sets URL of the button. |
Single2Multiple(string) | Change a single-lined text field to a multiple-lined one. |