virtual BindPdf(Document) | Initializes the facade. |
virtual BindPdf(Stream) | Initializes the facade. |
virtual BindPdf(string) | Initializes the facade. |
virtual Close() | Disposes Aspose.Pdf.Document bound with a facade. |
DeleteAnnotation(string) | Deletes the annotation with specified annotation name. |
DeleteAnnotations() | Deletes all annotations in the document. |
DeleteAnnotations(string) | Deletes all annotations of the specified type in the document. |
Dispose() | Disposes the facade. |
ExportAnnotationsToXfdf(Stream) | Exports annotations to stream. |
ExportAnnotationsXfdf(Stream, int, int, AnnotationType[]) | Exports the content of the specified annotations types into XFDF |
ExportAnnotationsXfdf(Stream, int, int, string[]) | Exports the content of the specified annotation types into XFDF |
ExtractAnnotations(int, int, AnnotationType[]) | Gets the list of annotations of the specified types. |
ExtractAnnotations(int, int, string[]) | Gets the list of annotations of the specified types. |
FlatteningAnnotations() | Flattens all annotations in the document. |
FlatteningAnnotations(FlattenSettings) | Flattens all annotations in the document. |
FlatteningAnnotations(int, int, AnnotationType[]) | Flattens the annotations of the specified types. |
ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(Stream, AnnotationType[]) | Imports the specified annotations from XFDF data stream. |
ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(string, AnnotationType[]) | Imports the specified annotations from XFDF file. |
ImportAnnotations(Stream[]) | Imports annotations into document from array of another PDF document streams. |
ImportAnnotations(string[]) | Imports annotations into document from array of another PDF documents. |
ImportAnnotations(Stream[], AnnotationType[]) | Imports the specified annotations into document from array of another PDF document streams. |
ImportAnnotations(string[], AnnotationType[]) | Imports the specified annotations into document from array of another PDF documents. |
ImportAnnotationsFromFdf(string) | Imports all annotations from FDF file. |
ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf(Stream) | Imports all annotations from XFDF data stream. |
ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf(string) | Imports all annotations from XFDF file. |
ModifyAnnotations(int, int, Annotation) | Modifies the annotations of the specifed type on the specified page range. It supports to modify next annotation properties: Modified, Title, Contents, Color, Subject and Open. |
ModifyAnnotationsAuthor(int, int, string, string) | Modifies the author of annotations on the specified page range. |
RedactArea(int, Rectangle, Color) | Redacts area on the specified page. All contents is removed. |
virtual Save(Stream) | Saves the PDF document to the specified stream. |
virtual Save(string) | Saves the PDF document to the specified file. |