

Check if the form already has specified field.

public bool HasField(Field field)
fieldFieldField to check.

Return Value

true if the specified field name added to Form; otherwise, false.

See Also


Determines if the field with specified name already added to the Form.

public bool HasField(string fieldName)
fieldNameStringPartialName or FullName of the field.

Return Value

true if the specified field name added to Form; otherwise, false.

See Also

HasField(string, bool)

Determines if the field with specified name already added to the Form, with ability to look into children hierarchy of fields.

public bool HasField(string fieldName, bool searchChildren)
fieldNameStringPartialName or FullName of the field.
searchChildrenBooleanWhen set to true the whole hierarchy of form fields would be searched for the requested fieldName (note that in this case the FullName of the required field should be passed as fieldName).

Return Value

true if the specified field name added to Form; otherwise, false.

See Also