Class OptionCollection
]OptionCollection class
Class representing collection of options of the choice field.
public sealed class OptionCollection : ICollection<Option>
Name | Description |
Count { get; } | Gets number of options. |
IsReadOnly { get; } | Gets a value indicating if collection is readonly. |
IsSynchronized { get; } | Returns true of object is synchronized. |
Item { get; } | Gets option by index. (2 indexers) |
SyncRoot { get; } | Synchronization object of the collection. |
Name | Description |
Add(Option) | Adds item in collection, throws NotImplementedException. |
Clear() | Removes all items from collection. |
Contains(Option) | Checks if item exists in collection, throws NotImplementedException. |
CopyTo(Option[], int) | Copies options into array. |
get(int) | Gets option by index. |
get(string) | Gets option from colleciton by option name. |
GetEnumerator() | Returns enumerator for options in collection. |
Remove(Option) | Removes item from collection, throws NotImplementedException. |
See Also
- class Option
- namespace Aspose.Pdf.Forms
- assembly Aspose.PDF