
The Aspose.Pdf.Tagged.LogicalStructure is a namespace for PDF Logical Structure classes.


AnnotationElementRepresents a base class for annotation structure elements in logical structure.
AnnotElementRepresents Annot structure element in logical structure.
ArtElementRepresents Art structure element in logical structure.
AttributeKeyRepresents Standard Attribute Keys.
AttributeNameRepresents class for Attribute Name Values.
AttributeOwnerStandardRepresents Standard Attribute Owners.
BibEntryElementRepresents BibEntry structure element in logical structure.
BlockQuoteElementRepresents BlockQuote structure element in logical structure.
BLSElementRepresents a base class for block-level structure elements in logical structure.
BLSTextElementRepresents a base class for block-level text structure elements in logical structure.
CaptionElementRepresents Caption structure element in logical structure.
CodeElementRepresents Code structure element in logical structure.
DivElementRepresents Div structure element in logical structure.
DocumentElementRepresents Document structure element in logical structure.
ElementRepresents a base class for element in logical structure.
ElementListRepresents an ordered collection of elements.
FigureElementRepresents Figure structure element in logical structure.
FormElementRepresents Form structure element in logical structure.
FormulaElementRepresents Formula structure element in logical structure.
GroupingElementRepresents a base class for grouping structure elements in logical structure.
HeaderElementRepresents Header structure element in logical structure.
IllustrationElementRepresents a base class for illustration structure elements in logical structure.
ILSElementRepresents a base class for inline-level structure elements in logical structure.
ILSTextElementRepresents a base class for inline-level text structure elements in logical structure.
IndexElementRepresents Index structure element in logical structure.
LinkElementRepresents Link structure element in logical structure.
ListChildElementRepresents a base class for children elements of the List in logical structure.
ListElementRepresents List structure element in logical structure.
ListLblElementRepresents Lbl structure element in logical structure of the list.
ListLBodyElementRepresents LBody structure element in logical structure of the list.
ListLIElementRepresents LI structure element in logical structure of the list.
MCRElementRepresents marked-content reference object in logical structure.
NonStructElementRepresents NonStruct structure element in logical structure.
NoteElementRepresents Note structure element in logical structure.
OBJRElementRepresents object reference entity in logical structure.
ParagraphElementRepresents Paragraph structure element in logical structure.
PartElementRepresents Part structure element in logical structure.
PrivateElementRepresents Private structure element in logical structure.
QuoteElementRepresents Quote structure element in logical structure.
ReferenceElementRepresents Reference structure element in logical structure.
RubyChildElementRepresents a base class for children elements of the Ruby in logical structure.
RubyElementRepresents Ruby structure element in logical structure.
RubyRBElementRepresents RB structure element in logical structure of the Ruby.
RubyRPElementRepresents RP structure element in logical structure of the Ruby.
RubyRTElementRepresents RT structure element in logical structure of the Ruby.
SectElementRepresents Sect structure element in logical structure.
SpanElementRepresents Span structure element in logical structure.
StructTreeRootElementRepresents StructTreeRoot object in logical structure.
StructureAttributeRepresents attribute of structure element.
StructureAttributeCollectionRepresents collection of attributes of structure elements.
StructureAttributesRepresents attributes of structure element for standard attribute owners.
StructureElementRepresents a base class for structure elements in logical structure.
StructureTextStateRepresents text state settings for Text Structure Elements and TaggedContent (ITextElement, ITaggedContent)
StructureTypeCategoryRepresents Categories of Standard Structure Types.
StructureTypeStandardRepresents Standard Structure Types.
TableCellElementRepresents a base class for table cell elements (TH and TD) in logical structure.
TableChildElementRepresents a base class for children elements of the Table in logical structure.
TableElementRepresents Table structure element in logical structure.
TableRowCollectionElementRepresents a base class for children elements of the Table Head, Body and Foot in logical structure.
TableTBodyElementRepresents TBody structure element in logical structure of the table.
TableTDElementRepresents TD structure element in logical structure of the table.
TableTFootElementRepresents TFoot structure element in logical structure of the table.
TableTHeadElementRepresents THead structure element in logical structure of the table.
TableTHElementRepresents TH structure element in logical structure of the table.
TableTRElementRepresents TR structure element in logical structure of the table.
TOCElementRepresents TOC structure element in logical structure.
TOCIElementRepresents TOCI structure element in logical structure.
WarichuChildElementRepresents a base class for children elements of the Warichu in logical structure.
WarichuElementRepresents Warichu structure element in logical structure.
WarichuWPElementRepresents WP structure element in logical structure of the Warichu.
WarichuWTElementRepresents WT structure element in logical structure of the Warichu.


ITextElementInterface for presenting text structure elements.