Class Element

Element class

Represents a base class for element in logical structure.

public abstract class Element


ChildElements { get; }Gets children collection of Element objects.
ParentElement { get; }Get parent element.


AppendChild(Element)Append Element to collection of children.
ClearChilds()Clear all childs.
FindElements<T>(bool)Find Elements of a given type
InsertChild(Element, int)Insert Element to collection of children at specified index.
RemoveChild(int)Remove child at.
abstract Tag(Annotation)Bind a structure element to the Annotation.
abstract Tag(Artifact)Bind a structure element to the Artifact.
abstract Tag(BDC)Bind a structure element to the content stream BDC operator.
abstract Tag(XForm)Bind a structure element to the content stream XForm.
abstract Tag(XImage)Bind a structure element to the XImage.
override ToString()Returns a string that represents the current object.

See Also