CompressOptions | Represents Compress options for Optimizer plugin. |
FileDataSource | Represents file data source for load and save operations of a plugin. |
FileResult | Represents operation result in the form of string path to file. |
FormCheckBoxFieldCreateOptions | Represents options for creating CheckBoxField by FormEditor plugin. |
FormCheckBoxFieldSetOptions | Represents options for set properties in CheckboxField by FormEditor plugin. |
FormComboBoxFieldCreateOptions | Represents options for creating ComboBoxField by FormEditor plugin. |
FormComboBoxFieldSetOptions | Represents options for set properties in ComboBoxField by FormEditor plugin. |
FormEditor | Represents FormEditor plugin. |
FormEditorAddOptions | Represents options for add Fields to document by FormEditor plugin. |
FormEditorOptions | Represents options for FormEditor plugin. |
FormEditorRemoveOptions | Base class for option classes for remove fields in document by FormEditor plugin. |
FormEditorSetOptions | Represents options for set fields (not annotations) properties. |
FormExporter | Represents FormExporter plugin. |
FormExporterOptions | Represents options for FormExporter plugin. |
FormExporterValuesToCsvOptions | Represents options for export Value property(s) of specified field(s) (not annotations). |
FormFieldCreateOptions | Represents options for creating Field. |
FormFieldOptions | Represents Field options. Base class for PdfFormFieldCreateOptions and PdfFormFillFieldOptions. |
FormFieldSetOptions | Represents options for set properties in Field. |
FormFlattenAllFieldsOptions | Represents options for flatten all fields (not annotations) in document by FormFlattener plugin. |
FormFlattener | Represents FormFlattener plugin. |
FormFlattenerOptions | Base class for option classes for flatten fields (not annotations) in document by FormFlattener plugin. |
FormFlattenSelectedFieldsOptions | Represents options for flatten selected fields (not annotations) in document by FormFlattener plugin. |
FormOptions | Represents options for a family Form…. plugins. |
FormRemoveAllFieldsOptions | Represents options for remove all fields in document by FormEditor plugin. |
FormRemoveSelectedFieldsOptions | Represents options for remove selected fields in document by FormEditor plugin. |
FormTextBoxFieldCreateOptions | Represents options for creating TextBoxField by FormEditor plugin. |
FormTextBoxFieldSetOptions | Represents options for set properties in TextBoxField by FormEditor plugin. |
HtmlToPdfOptions | Represents HTML to PDF converter options for PdfHtml plugin. |
ImageExtractor | Represents ImageExtractor plugin. |
ImageExtractorOptions | Represents images extraction options for the ImageExtractor plugin. |
Jpeg | Represents Pdf to Jpeg plugin. |
JpegOptions | Represents Pdf to Jpeg converter options for the Jpeg plugin. |
MergeOptions | Represents Merge options for Merger plugin. |
Merger | Represents Merger plugin. |
ObjectResult | Represents operation result in the form of string. |
OptimizeOptions | Represents Optimize options for Optimizer plugin. |
Optimizer | Represents Optimizer plugin. |
OrganizerBaseOptions | Represents base options for plugins. |
PdfAConverter | Represents a plugin for handling the conversion of PDF documents in a PDF/A format and for validation of the PDF/A conformance. |
PdfAConvertOptions | Represents options for converting PDF documents to PDF/A format with the PdfAConverter plugin. |
PdfAOptionsBase | Represents the base class for the PdfAConverter plugin options. This class provides properties and methods for configuring the PDF/A conversion and validation process. |
PdfAValidateOptions | Represents options for validating PDF/A compliance of PDF documents with the PdfAConverter plugin. |
PdfAValidationResult | Represents the result of a PDF/A validation process. |
PdfConverterOptions | Represents options for Pdf converter plugins. |
PdfDoc | Represents PdfDoc plugin. |
PdfExtractor | Represents base functionality to extract text, images, and other types of content that may occur on the pages of PDF documents. |
PdfExtractorOptions | Represents options for the TextExtractor and ImageExtractor plugins. |
PdfGeneratorOptions | Represents options for Generator plugins. |
PdfHtml | Represents PdfHtml plugin. |
PdfToDocOptions | Represents PDF to DOC converter options for PdfDoc plugin. |
PdfToHtmlOptions | Represents PDF to HTML converter options for PdfHtml plugin. |
PdfToImage | Represents PDF to image plugin. |
PdfToImageOptions | Represents options for the PdfToImage plugin. |
PdfToXlsOptions | Represents PDF to XLSX converter options for PdfXls plugin. |
PdfXls | Represents PdfXls plugin. |
Png | Represents Pdf to Png plugin. |
PngOptions | Represents Pdf to Png converter options for the Png plugin. |
ResizeOptions | Represents Resize options for Optimizer plugin. |
ResultContainer | Represents container that contains the result collection of processing the plugin. |
RotateOptions | Represents Rotate options for Optimizer plugin. |
SelectField | |
Signature | Represents Signature plugin. |
SignOptions | Represents Sign Options for Signature plugin. |
SplitOptions | Represents Split options for Splitter plugin. |
Splitter | Represents Splitter plugin. |
StreamDataSource | Represents stream data source for load and save operations of a plugin. |
StreamResult | Represents operation result in the form of Stream. |
StringResult | Represents operation result in the form of string. |
TableBuilder | Class represents builder for table in pdf page. |
TableCellBuilder | Class represents builder for table cell. |
TableGenerator | Represents Aspose.PDF TableGenerator plugin. |
TableOptions | Represents options for add table to document by TableGenerator plugin. |
TableRowBuilder | Class represents builder for table row. |
TextExtractor | Represents TextExtractor plugin. |
TextExtractorOptions | Represents text extraction options for the TextExtractor plugin. |
Tiff | Represents Pdf to Tiff plugin. |
TiffOptions | Represents Pdf to Tiff converter options for the Tiff plugin. |
TocGenerator | Represents Aspose.PDF TocGenerator plugin. |
TocOptions | Represents options for add table of contents to document by TocGenerator plugin. |