Class PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions

PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions class

Represents options for remove all Fields from specified pages of document by PdfForm plugin.

public sealed class PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions : PdfFormOptions


PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions(HashSet<int>)Initializes a new instance of the PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions object by set of pages, on which ALL fields will be removed.
PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions(int)Initializes a new instance of the PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions object by page number, on which ALL fields will be removed.
PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions(SelectField)Initializes a new instance of the PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions object, by a delegate that specifies which fields to remove.
PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions(int, int)Initializes a new instance of the PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions object by page interval from pageFrom to pageTo (inclusive for both), on which ALL fields will be removed.


DataCollection { get; }Returns FormOptions plugin data collection.
GetPageNumbers { get; }Gets set of pages on which fields will be removed by method Process call.
GetSelectFieldDelegate { get; }Gets delegate specifying the field(s) to which remove should be made.
SaveTargetsCollection { get; }Gets collection of added targets for saving operation results.


AddDataSource(IDataSource)Adds new data source to the PdfForm plugin data collection.
AddSaveDataSource(IDataSource)Adds new data source to the PdfForm plugin data collection.

See Also