Class PdfToExcelOptions

PdfToExcelOptions class

Represents PDF to XLSX converter options for PdfExcel plugin.

public sealed class PdfToExcelOptions : PdfConverterOptions


PdfToExcelOptions()The default constructor.


Format { get; set; }Output format.
Inputs { get; }Returns PdfConverterOptions plugin data collection.
InsertBlankColumnAtFirst { get; set; }Set true if you need inserting of blank column as the first column of worksheet. Default value is false; it means that blank column will not be inserted.
MinimizeTheNumberOfWorksheets { get; set; }Set true if you need to minimize the number of worksheets in resultant workbook. Default value is false; it means save of each PDF page as separated worksheet.
override OperationName { get; }Gets name of the operation.
Outputs { get; }Gets collection of added targets for saving operation results.


AddInput(IDataSource)Adds new data source to the PdfConverter plugin data collection.
AddOutput(IDataSource)Adds new data source to the PdfToXLSXConverterOptions plugin data collection.

Other Members

enum ExcelFormatAllows to specify .xlsx, .xls/xml or csv file format. Default value is XLSX.

See Also