
The Aspose.Pdf.Printing namespace provides classes and functionalities for handling PDF printing operations, including printer settings, page settings, and extensions for managing print-related configurations.


CustomPrintEventArgsProvides data for the CustomPrint event.
PageSettingsSpecifies settings that apply to a single, printed page.
PageSettingsExtensionsRepresents extensions methods for PageSettings.
PaperSizeSpecifies the size of a piece of paper.
PaperSizeExtensionsRepresents extensions methods for PaperSize.
PaperSizesRepresents the standard paper sizes.
PaperSourceSpecifies the paper tray from which the printer gets paper.
PaperSourceExtensionsRepresents extensions methods for PaperSource.
PaperSourcesProvides a set of predefined PaperSource instances representing common paper sources.
PdfQueryPageSettingsEventArgsProvides data for the PdfQueryPageSettings event.
PrinterResolutionRepresents the resolution supported by a printer.
PrinterResolutionExtensionsRepresents extensions methods for PrinterResolution.
PrinterSettingsSpecifies information about how a document is printed, including the printer that prints it.
PrinterSettingsExtensionsRepresents extension methods for PrinterSettings.
StartEndPageEventArgsProvides data for the StartPage and EndPage events of the PdfViewer class.


DuplexSpecifies the printer’s duplex setting.
PaperKindSpecifies the standard paper sizes.
PaperSourceKindStandard paper sources.
PrinterResolutionKindSpecifies a printer resolution.
PrintRangeSpecifies the option that designate the part of the document to print.