Organize PDF functions

Organize PDF functions

AsposePdfOptimizeOptimize a PDF-file.
AsposePdfMerge2FilesMerge two PDF-files.
AsposePdfSplit2FilesSplit to two PDF-files.
AsposePdfRotateAllPagesRotate PDF-pages.
AsposePdfDeletePagesDelete pages from a PDF-file.
AsposePdfAddStampAdd stamp to a PDF-file.
AsposePdfAddImageAdd an image to end a PDF-file.
AsposePdfAddPageNumAdd page number to a PDF-file.
AsposePdfAddBackgroundImageAdd background image to a PDF-file.
AsposePdfAddTextHeaderFooterAdd text in Header/Footer of a PDF-file.
AsposePdfRepairRepair a PDF-file.
AsposePdfOptimizeResourceOptimize resources of PDF-file.
AsposePdfSetBackgroundColorSet the background color for the PDF-file.
AsposePdfDeleteAnnotationsDelete annotations from a PDF-file.
AsposePdfDeleteBookmarksDelete bookmarks from a PDF-file.
AsposePdfDeleteAttachmentsDelete attachments from a PDF-file.
AsposePdfDeleteImagesDelete images from a PDF-file.
AsposePdfDeleteJavaScriptsDelete JavaScripts from a PDF-file.
AsposePdfAddAttachmentAdd attachment to a PDF-file.
AsposePdfGetAttachmentGet attachment from a PDF-file.
AsposePdfReplaceTextReplace text in a PDF-file.
AsposePdfFindTextFind text in a PDF-file.
AsposePdfReplaceFontReplace font in a PDF-file.
AsposePdfValidatePDFAValidate PDF/A compatibility a PDF-file.
AsposePdfFindHiddenTextFind hidden text in a PDF-file.
AsposePdfDeleteHiddenTextDelete hidden text from a PDF-file.

Detailed Description

Functions for organizing PDF files.


const AsposePdf = require('asposepdfnodejs');


import AsposePdf from 'asposepdfnodejs';