
HideAction class

Represents a hide action that hides or shows one or more annotations on the screen by setting or clearing their Hidden flags.

The HideAction type exposes the following members:


HideAction(annotation)Initializes a new instance of the HideAction class
HideAction(annotation, is_hidden)Initializes a new instance of the HideAction class
HideAction(field_name)Initializes a new instance of the HideAction class
HideAction(field_name, is_hidden)Initializes a new instance of the HideAction class
HideAction(annotations)Initializes a new instance of the HideAction class
HideAction(annotations, is_hidden)Initializes a new instance of the HideAction class
HideAction(names)Initializes a new instance of the HideAction class
HideAction(names, is_hidden)Initializes a new instance of the HideAction class


nextNext actions in sequence.
is_hiddenGets or sets status of the annotation(s) to hide/display.

See Also