
PredefinedAction enumeration

Defines different actions which can be triggered from a PDF file.


Member nameDescription
FIRST_PAGEA named action to go to the first page.
LAST_PAGEA named action to go to the last page.
NEXT_PAGEA named action to go to the next page.
PREV_PAGEA named action to go to the previous page.
PRINT_DIALOGA named action to open a print dialog (JavaScript).
PRINTA named action to open a print dialog.
BOOKMARKS_EXPAN_CURRENT_BOOKMARKA named action to find current bookmark.
BOOKMARKS_HIGHTLIGHT_CURRENT_BOOKMARKA named action to highlight current bookmark.
DOCUMENT_ATTACH_FILEA named action to add file attachment.
DOCUMENT_CROP_PAGESA named action to crop document pages.
DOCUMENT_DELETE_PAGESA named action to delete document pages.
DOCUMENT_EXTRACT_PAGESA named action to exctract document pages.
DOCUMENT_INSERT_PAGESA named action to insert pages from a document.
DOCUMENT_REPLACE_PAGESA named action to replace document pages.
DOCUMENT_ROTATE_PAGESA named action to rotate document pages.
EDIT_CHECK_SPELLING_IN_COM_FIELD_EDITA named action to check spelling in comments.
EDIT_FINDA named action to find.
EDIT_PREFERENCESA named action to edit preferences.
EDIT_SEARCHA named action for searching.
FILE_ATTACH_TO_EMAILA named action for attaching current pdf document into email message.
FILE_CLOSEA named action to close the document.
FILE_CREATE_PDF_FROM_SCANNERA named action to create pdf document from scanner.
FILE_CREATE_PDF_FROM_WEB_PAGEA named action to create pdf document from web page.
FILE_EXITA named action to exit pdf reader.
FILE_ORGANIZER_OPEN_ORGANIZERA named action to open organizer.
FILE_PRINTA named action to print the document.
FILE_PROPERTIESA named action to open the document properties.
FILE_SAVE_ASA named action to save the document with another name.
MISCELLANEOUS_ZOOM_INA named action to zoom in the document.
MISCELLANEOUS_ZOOM_OUTA named action to zoom out the document.
PAGE_IMAGES_PRINT_PAGESA named action to print the document pages.
VIEW_GO_TO_NEXT_VIEWA named action to go to the next view.
VIEW_GO_TO_PAGEA named action to go to the certain page.
VIEW_GO_TO_PRE_DOCUMENTA named action to go to the previous document.
VIEW_GO_TO_PRE_VIEWA named action to go to the previous view.
VIEW_NAVIGATION_PANELS_ARTICLESA named action to show/hide articles panel.
VIEW_NAVIGATION_PANELS_ATTACHMENTSA named action to show/hide attachment panel.
VIEW_NAVIGATION_PANELS_BOOMARKSA named action to show/hide bookmark panel.
VIEW_NAVIGATION_PANELS_COMMENTSA named action to show/hide comments panel.
VIEW_NAVIGATION_PANELS_FIELDSA named action to show/hide fields panel.
VIEW_NAVIGATION_PANELS_LAYERSA named action to show/hide layers panel.
VIEW_NAVIGATION_PANELS_MODEL_TREEA named action to show/hide model tree panel.
VIEW_NAVIGATION_PANELS_PAGESA named action to show/hide pages panel.
VIEW_NAVIGATION_PANELS_SIGNATURESA named action to show/hide signatures panel.
VIEW_PAGE_DISPLAY_SINGLE_PAGEA named action to display single page.
VIEW_PAGE_DISPLAY_SINGLE_PAGE_CONTINUOUSA named action to display single continious page.
VIEW_PAGE_DISPLAY_TWO_UPA named action to display pages as Two-Up.
VIEW_PAGE_DISPLAY_TWO_UP_CONTINUOUSA named action to display pages as Two-Up continious.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_ADVANCE_EDITINGA named action to show/hide advanced editing toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_COMMENT_MARKUPA named action to show/hide commenting toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_EDITA named action to show/hide edit toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_FILEA named action to show/hide file toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_FINDA named action to show/hide find toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_FORMSA named action to show/hide forms toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_MEASURINGA named action to show/hide measuring toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_OBJECT_DATAA named action to show/hide object data toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_PAGE_DISPLAYA named action to show/hide page display toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_PAGE_NAVIGATIONA named action to show/hide navigation toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_PRINT_PRODUCTIONA named action to show/hide print production toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_PROPERTIES_BARA named action to show/hide property toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_REDACTIONA named action to show/hide redaction toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_SELECT_ZOOMA named action to show/hide select & zoom toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_TASKSA named action to show/hide tasks toolbar.
VIEW_TOOLBARS_TYPEWRITERA named action to show/hide typewriter toolbar.
VIEW_ZOOM_ACTUAL_SIZEA named action to view pages in actual size.
VIEW_ZOOM_FIT_HEIGHTA named action to fit page on height.
VIEW_ZOOM_FIT_PAGEA named action to fit page.
VIEW_ZOOM_FIT_VISIBLEA named action to fit page visibility.
VIEW_ZOOM_FIT_WIDTHA named action to fit page on width.
VIEW_ZOOM_ZOOM_TOA named action to make zoom.
WINDOW_FULL_SCREEN_MODEA named action to view the document in the full screen mode.

See Also