
The aspose.pdf.devices namespace provides classes which are used for representing document as image(s) or a plain text. So document can be sent on to textual or various graphic devices which means we want to get it textual or graphic representation.


BmpDeviceRepresents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into bmp.
DeviceAbstract class for all types of devices. Device is used to represent pdf document in some format.
For example, document page can be represented as image or text.
DicomDeviceRepresents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into Dicom format.
DocumentDeviceAbstract class for all devices which is used to process the whole pdf document.
EmfDeviceRepresents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into emf.
GifDeviceRepresents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into gif.
ImageDeviceAn abstract class for image devices.
JpegDeviceRepresents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into jpeg.
MarginsThis class represents margins of an image.
PageDeviceAbstract class for all devices which is used to process certain page the pdf document.
PngDeviceRepresents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into png.
ResolutionRepresents class for holding image resolution.
TextDeviceRepresents class for converting pdf document pages into text.
ThumbnailDeviceRepresents image device that save pdf document pages into Thumbnail image.
TiffDeviceThis class helps to save pdf document page by page into the one tiff image.
TiffSettingsThis class represents settings for importing pdf to Tiff.


ColorDepthUsed to specify the parameter value passed to a Tiff image device.
CompressionTypeUsed to specify the parameter value passed to a Tiff image device.
FormPresentationModeUsed to specify the form presentation mode when printing or converting to image pdf documents.
ShapeTypeThis enum represents shape type for the extracted images.