
DocumentPrivilege class

Represents the privileges for accessing Pdf file. Refer toPdfFileSecurity.
There are 4 ways using this class:
1.Using predefined privilege directly.
2.Based on a predefined privilege and change some specifical permissions.
3.Based on a predefined privilege and change some specifical Adobe Professional permissions combination.
4.Mixes the way2 and way3.

The DocumentPrivilege type exposes the following members:


allow_printSets the permission which allow print or not.
true is allow and false is forbidden.
allow_degraded_printingSets the permission which allow degraded printing or not.
true is allow and false is forbidden.
allow_modify_contentsSets the permission which allow modify contents or not.
true is allow and false is forbidden.
allow_copySets the permission which allow copy or not.
true is allow and false is forbidden.
allow_modify_annotationsSets the permission which allow modify annotations or not.
true is allow and false is forbidden.
allow_fill_inSets the permission which allow fill in forms or not.
true is allow and false is forbidden.
allow_screen_readersSets the permission which allow screen readers or not.
true is allow and false is forbidden.
allow_assemblySets the permission which allow assembly or not.
true is allow and false is forbidden.
degraded_printingAllows degraded printing.
printAllows printing file.
modify_contentsAllows modifying file.
copyAllows copying file.
modify_annotationsAllows modifying annotations of file.
fill_inAllows filling forms in file.
screen_readersAllows to reader on screen only.
assemblyAllows assemblying file.
allow_allAll allowed.
forbid_allAll Forbidded.


compare_to(obj)Compares two DocumentPrivilege objects.

See Also