]PdfContentEditor class
Represents a class to edit PDF file’s content.
The PdfContentEditor type exposes the following members:
Name | Description |
PdfContentEditor() | The constructor of the PdfContentEditor object. |
PdfContentEditor(document) | Initializes a new instance of the PdfContentEditor class |
Name | Description |
document | Gets the document facade is working on. |
text_search_options | Gets or sets text search options. |
text_edit_options | Gets or sets text edit options. |
text_replace_options | Gets or sets text replace options. |
replace_text_strategy | A set of parameters for replace text operation |
DOCUMENT_OPEN | A document event type. Opens a document. |
DOCUMENT_CLOSE | A document event type. Closes a document. |
DOCUMENT_WILL_SAVE | A document event type. Excute a action before saving. |
DOCUMENT_SAVED | A document event type. Excute a action after saving. |
DOCUMENT_WILL_PRINT | A document event type. Excute a action before printing. |
DOCUMENT_PRINTED | A document event type. Excute a action after printing. |
Name | Description |
bind_pdf(input_file) | Binds a PDF file for editing. |
bind_pdf(input_stream) | Binds a PDF stream for editing. |
bind_pdf(src_doc) | Binds PDF document for editing. |
save(dest_file) | Saves the PDF document to the specified file. |
save(dest_stream) | Saves the PDF document to the specified stream. |
create_web_link(rect, url, original_page, clr) | Creates a web link in PDF document. |
create_web_link(rect, url, original_page) | Creates a web link in PDF document. |
create_local_link(rect, des_page, original_page, clr) | Creates a local link in PDF document. |
create_local_link(rect, des_page, original_page) | Creates a local link in PDF document. |
create_pdf_document_link(rect, remote_pdf, original_page, destination_page, clr) | Creates a link to another PDF document page. |
create_pdf_document_link(rect, remote_pdf, original_page, destination_page) | Creates a link to another PDF document page. |
create_application_link(rect, application, page, clr) | Creates a link to launch an application in PDF document. |
create_application_link(rect, application, page) | Creates a link to launch an application in PDF document. |
create_file_attachment(rect, contents, file_path, page, name) | Creates file attachment annotation. |
create_file_attachment(rect, contents, file_path, page, name, opacity) | Creates file attachment annotation. |
create_file_attachment(rect, contents, attachment_stream, attachment_name, page, name) | Creates file attachment annotation. |
create_file_attachment(rect, contents, attachment_stream, attachment_name, page, name, opacity) | Creates file attachment annotation. |
add_document_attachment(file_attachment_path, description) | Adds document attachment with no annotation. |
add_document_attachment(file_attachment_stream, file_attachment_name, description) | Adds document attachment with no annotation. |
create_rubber_stamp(page, annot_rect, icon, annot_contents, color) | Creates a rubber stamp annotation. |
create_rubber_stamp(page, annot_rect, annot_contents, color, appearance_file) | Creates a rubber stamp annotation. |
create_rubber_stamp(page, annot_rect, annot_contents, color, appearance_stream) | Creates a rubber stamp annotation. |
delete_image(page_number, index) | Deletes the specified images on the specified page. |
delete_image() | Deletes the specified images on the specified page. |
replace_text(src_string, the_page, dest_string, text_state) | Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. TextState object (font family, color) can be specified to replaced text. |
replace_text(src_string, dest_string) | Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. TextState object (font family, color) can be specified to replaced text. |
replace_text(src_string, the_page, dest_string) | Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. TextState object (font family, color) can be specified to replaced text. |
replace_text(src_string, dest_string, text_state) | Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. TextState object (font family, color) can be specified to replaced text. |
replace_text(src_string, dest_string, font_size) | Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. TextState object (font family, color) can be specified to replaced text. |
delete_stamp_by_ids(stamp_ids) | Deletes stamps with specified IDs from all pages of the document. |
delete_stamp_by_ids(page_number, stamp_ids) | Deletes stamps with specified IDs from all pages of the document. |
delete_stamp_by_id(page_number, stamp_id) | Deletes stamps with specified IDs from all pages of the document. |
delete_stamp_by_id(stamp_id) | Deletes stamps with specified IDs from all pages of the document. |
close() | Closes opened document. |
extract_link() | Extracts the collection of Link instances contained in PDF document. |
create_java_script_link(code, rect, original_page, color) | Creates a link to JavaScript in PDF document. |
create_text(rect, title, contents, open, icon, page) | Creates text annotation in PDF document |
create_free_text(rect, contents, page) | Creates free text annotation in PDF document |
create_markup(rect, contents, type, page, clr) | Creates markup annotation it PDF document. |
create_popup(rect, contents, open, page) | Creates popup annotation in PDF document. |
delete_attachments() | Deletes all attachments in PDF document. |
create_line(rect, contents, x1, y1, x2, y2, page, border, clr, border_style, dash_array, le_array) | Creates line annotation. |
create_square_circle(rect, contents, clr, square, page, border_width) | Creates square-circle annotation. |
draw_curve(line_info, page, annot_rect, annot_contents) | Creates curve annotation. |
create_polygon(line_info, page, annot_rect, annot_contents) | Creates polygon annotation. |
create_poly_line(line_info, page, annot_rect, annot_contents) | Creates polyline annotation. |
create_caret(page, annot_rect, caret_rect, symbol, annot_contents, color) | Creates caret annotation. |
create_bookmarks_action(title, color, bold_flag, italic_flag, file, action_type, destination) | Creates a bookmark with the specified action. |
add_document_additional_action(event_type, code) | Adds additional action for document event. |
remove_document_open_action() | Removes open action from the document. This operation is useful when concatenating multiple documents that use explicit ‘GoTo’ action on startup. |
change_viewer_preference(viewer_attribution) | Changes the view preference. |
get_viewer_preference() | Returns the view preference. |
replace_image(page_number, index, image_file) | Replaces the specified image on the specified page of PDF document with another image. |
create_movie(rect, file_path, page) | Creates Movie Annotations. |
create_sound(rect, file_path, name, page, rate) | Creates Sound Annotations. |
delete_stamp(page_number, index) | Deletes multiple stamps on the specified page by stamp indexes. |
hide_stamp_by_id(page_number, stamp_id) | Hides the stamp. After hiding, stamp visibility may be restored with ShowStampById method. |
show_stamp_by_id(page_number, stamp_id) | Shows stamp which was hidden by HiddenStampById. |
move_stamp_by_id(page_number, stamp_id, x, y) | Changes position of the stamp on page. |
move_stamp(page_number, stamp_index, x, y) | Changes position of the stamp on page. |
get_stamps(page_number) | Returns array of stamps on the page. |
See Also
- namespace aspose.pdf.facades
- assembly Aspose.PDF