
PdfConverter class

Represents a class to convert a pdf file’s each page to images, supporting BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF now.
Supported content in pdfs: pictures, form, comment.

The PdfConverter type exposes the following members:


PdfConverter()Initializes new PdfConverter object.
PdfConverter(document)Initializes a new instance of the PdfConverter class


documentGets the document facade is working on.
coordinate_typeGets or sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default.
show_hidden_areasGets or sets flag that controls visibility of hidden areas on the page.
rendering_optionsGets or sets rendering options.
form_presentation_modeGets or sets form presentation mode.
resolutionGets or sets resolution during convertting. The higher resolution, the slower convertting speed. The default value is 150.
start_pageGets or sets start position which you want to convert. The minimal value is 1.
end_pageGets or sets end position which you want to convert.
passwordGets or sets document OwnerPassword.
user_passwordGets or sets document UserPassword.
page_countGets the page count.


bind_pdf(input_file)Binds a Pdf file for converting.
bind_pdf(input_stream)Binds a Pdf Stream for convert.
bind_pdf(src_doc)Initializes the facade.
save_as_tiff(output_file)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file.
save_as_tiff(output_file, compression_type)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file.
save_as_tiff(output_file, image_width, image_height)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file.
save_as_tiff(output_file, page_size)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF file.
save_as_tiff(output_file, page_size, settings)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF file.
save_as_tiff(output_file, image_width, image_height, compression_type)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file.
save_as_tiff(output_file, image_width, image_height, settings)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file.
save_as_tiff(output_file, image_width, image_height, settings, converter)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file.
save_as_tiff(output_stream)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream.
save_as_tiff(output_stream, compression_type)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file.
save_as_tiff(output_stream, page_size)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream.
save_as_tiff(output_stream, page_size, settings)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF stream.
save_as_tiff(output_stream, image_width, image_height)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream.
save_as_tiff(output_stream, image_width, image_height, compression_type)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream.
save_as_tiff(output_stream, image_width, image_height, settings)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream.
save_as_tiff(output_stream, image_width, image_height, settings, converter)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream.
save_as_tiff(output_file, settings)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF file.
save_as_tiff(output_file, settings, converter)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file.
save_as_tiff(output_stream, settings)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF stream.
save_as_tiff(output_stream, settings, converter)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream.
save_as_tiff_class_f(output_file, image_width, image_height)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file.
save_as_tiff_class_f(output_file, page_size)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file.
save_as_tiff_class_f(output_stream, image_width, image_height)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream.
save_as_tiff_class_f(output_stream, page_size)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream.
save_as_tiff_class_f(output_file)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file.
save_as_tiff_class_f(output_stream)Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream.
get_next_image(output_file)Saves image to file with default image format - jpeg.
get_next_image(output_file, page_size)Saves image to file with ith given page size and default image format - jpeg.
get_next_image(output_file, format)Saves image to file with the givin image format.
get_next_image(output_file, page_size, format)Saves image to file with given page size and image format.
get_next_image(output_stream)Saves image to stream with default image format - jpeg.
get_next_image(output_stream, page_size)Saves image to stream with given page size.
get_next_image(output_stream, format)Saves image to stream with given image format.
get_next_image(output_stream, page_size, format)Saves image to stream with given page size.
get_next_image(output_file, format, image_width, image_height, quality)Saves image to file with the given image format, dimensions and quality.
get_next_image(output_stream, format, image_width, image_height, quality)Saves image to stream with the givin image format, dimensions and quality.
get_next_image(output_file, format, image_width, image_height, quality)Saves image to file with the givin image format, image size, and quality.
get_next_image(output_stream, format, image_width, image_height, quality)Saves image to stream with the givin image format, size and quality.
get_next_image(output_file, format, image_width, image_height)Saves image to file with the given image format, dimensions and quality.
get_next_image(output_stream, format, image_width, image_height)Saves image to stream with the givin image format, dimensions and quality.
get_next_image(output_stream, format, quality)Saves image to stream with the givin image format, dimensions and quality.
get_next_image(output_stream, page_size, format, quality)Saves image to stream with given page size, image format and quality.
get_next_image(output_file, format, quality)Saves image to file with the given image format, dimensions and quality.
get_next_image(output_file, page_size, format, quality)Saves image to file with given page size, image format and quality.
close()Close the instance of PdfConverter and release the resources.
do_convert()Do some initial works for converting a pdf document to images.
has_next_image()Indicates whether the pdf file has more images or not.
merge_images(input_images_streams, output_image_format, merge_mode, horizontal, vertical)None
merge_images_as_tiff(input_images_streams)Merges list of tiff streams as one multiple frames tiff stream.

See Also