
PdfXmpMetadata class

Class for manipulation with XMP metadata.

The PdfXmpMetadata type exposes the following members:


PdfXmpMetadata()Constructor for PdfXmpMetadata.
PdfXmpMetadata(document)Initializes a new instance of the PdfXmpMetadata class


documentGets the document facade is working on.
keysGets keys from the dictionary.
valuesGets the collection of values in dictionary.
is_fixed_sizeReturns true is collection has fixed size.
is_synchronizedReturns true if collection is synchronized.
sync_rootGets synchroniztion object of the collection.


bind_pdf(src_file)Binds PDF document for editing.
bind_pdf(src_stream)Binds PDF document for editing.
bind_pdf(src_doc)Binds PDF document for editing.
save(dest_file)Saves the PDF document to the specified file.
save(dest_stream)Saves the PDF document to the specified stream.
add(key, value)Adds value to XMP metadata.
add(xmp_pdf_a_extension_object, namespace_prefix, namespace_uri, schema_description)Adds extension field into metadata.
add(key, value)Adds new element to the dictionary object.
add(key, value)Adds extension field into metadata.
remove(key)Removes element with specified key.
remove(key)Removes key from the dictionary.
contains(key)Checks if dictionary contains the specified key.
contains(property)Checks if dictionary contains the specified property.
get_xmp_metadata()Get the XmpMetadata of the input pdf in a xml format.
get_xmp_metadata(name)Get a part of the XmpMetadata of the input pdf according to a meta name.
close()Releases any resources associates with the current facade.
register_namespace_uri(prefix, namespace_uri)Registers the namespace URI.
get_namespace_uri_by_prefix(prefix)Gets namespace URI by prefix.
get_prefix_by_namespace_uri(namespace_uri)Gets the prefix by namespace URI.
contains_key(key)Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key.
try_get_value(key, value)Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found.

See Also