
Stamp class

Class represeting stamp.

The Stamp type exposes the following members:


Stamp()Initializes a new instance of the Stamp class


stamp_idGets or sets identifier of stamp.
qualityGets or sets quality of image stamp in percent. Valiued values 0..100%.
opacityGets or sets opacity of the stamp.
page_numberGets or sets page number.
pagesGets or sets array with numbers of pages which will be affected by stamp.
If Pages = null all pages of the document are affected.
rotationGets or sets rotation of the stamp in degrees.
is_backgroundGets or sets background status. If true stamp will be placed as background of the spamped page.
By default is set to false.
blending_spaceGets or sets a BlendingColorSpace value that defines a color space
that is used to perform transparency and blending operations on the page.


bind_pdf(pdf_file, page_number)Sets PDF file and number of page which will be used as stamp.
bind_pdf(pdf_stream, page_number)Sets PDF file and number of page which will be used as stamp.
bind_image(image_file)Sets image as a stamp.
bind_image(image)Sets image which will be used as stamp.
bind_logo(formatted_text)Sets text as stamp.
bind_text_state(text_state)Sets text state of stamp text.
set_origin(origin_x, origin_y)Sets position on page where stamp will be placed.
set_image_size(width, height)Sets size of image stamp. Image will be scaled according to the specified values.

See Also