
Field class

Base class for acro form fields.

The Field type exposes the following members:


Field(doc)Initializes a new instance of the Field class


horizontal_alignmentGets or sets text alignment for annotation.
update_appearance_on_convertIf true, annotation appearance will be updated before converting PF document into image. This allows convert fields correctly but probably demand more time.
use_font_subsetIf this property set to true, fonts will be added to document as subsets. Default value is true.
flagsFlags of the annotation.
annotation_typeGets type of annotation.
widthGets or sets width of the annotation.
actionsGets the annotation actions.
heightGets or sets height of the annotation.
rectGets or sets the field rectangle.
contentsGets or sets annotation text.
nameGets or sets annotation name on the page.
modifiedGets or sets date and time when annotation was recently modified.
colorGets or sets annotation color.
borderGets or sets annotation border characteristics. border
active_stateGets or sets current annotation appearance state.
characteristicsGets annotation characteristics.
statesGets appearance dictionary of annotation.
alignmentAnnotation alignment. This property is obsolete. Use HorizontalAligment instead.
text_horizontal_alignmentGets or sets text alignment for annotation.
full_nameGets full qualified name of the annotation.
appearanceGets appearance dictionary of the annotation.
page_indexGets index of page which contains this field.
on_activatedAn action which shall be performed when the annotation is activated.
highlightingAnnotation highlighting mode.
parentGets annotation parent.
default_appearanceGets or sets default appearance of the field.
read_onlyGets or sets read only status of the field.
requiredGets or sets required status of the field.
exportableGets or sets exportable flag of the field.
partial_nameGets or sets partial name of the field.
alternate_nameGets or sets alternate name of the field (An alternate field
name that shall be used in place of the actual field name
wherever the field shall be identified in the user interface).
Alternate name is used as field tooltip in Adobe Acrobat.
mapping_nameGets or sets mapping name of the field that shall be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document.
valueGets or sets value of the field.
is_synchronizedReturns true if dictionary is synchronized.
sync_rootSynchronization object.
is_groupGets or sets boolean value which indicates is this field non-terminal field i.e. group of fields.
annotation_indexGets or sets index of this anotation on the page.
is_shared_fieldProperty for Generator support. Used when field is added to header or footer. If true, this field will created once and it’s appearance will be visible on all pages of the document. If false, separated field will be created for every document page.
fit_into_rectangleIf true then font size will reduced to fit text to specified rectangle.
max_font_sizeMaximail font size which can be used for field contents. -1 to don’t check size.
min_font_sizeMinimal font size which can be used for field contents. -1 to don’t check size.
tab_orderGets or sets tab order of the field.


[index]Gets subfield contained in this field by index.


get_rectangle(consider_rotation)Returns rectangle of annotation taking into consideration page rotation.
accept(visitor)Accepts visitor.
flatten()Removes this field and place its value directly on the page.
change_after_resize(transform)Update parameters and appearance, according to the matrix transform.
recalculate()Recaculates all calculated fields on the form.
copy_to(array, index)Copies subfields of this field into array starting from specified index.
set_position(point)Set position of the field.

See Also