
Form class

Class representing form object.

The Form type exposes the following members:


is_synchronizedReturns true if object is thread-safe.
sync_rootReturns synchronization object.
auto_recalculateIf set, all form fields will be recalculated when any field is changed. Default value is true. Set to false in order to increase performance when filling form with large amount of calculated fields.
auto_restore_formIf set, absent form fields will be automatically created if they present in annotations.
default_resourcesGets default resources placed on this form.
default_appearanceGets or sets default appearance of the form (object which describes default font, text size and color for fields on the form).
xfaGets XFA data of the form (if presents).
ignore_needs_renderingIf this property is true the value of NeedsRendering key will be ignored during conversion
XFA form to Standard form. It is false by default.
remove_permissionIf this property is true the “Perms” dictionary will be removed from the pdf document after conversion
dynamic documents to standard. The “Perms” dictionary can contain a rules that disturb displaying selection of
mandatory fields in Adobe Acrobat reader.
It is false by default.
emulate_requierd_groupsIf this property is true then additional red boundary rectangles will be drawn for required Xfa exclGroup elements containers
This property was introduced because absences of analogues for the exclGroup during conversion Xfa representation of forms
to standard.
It is false by default.
typeGets type of the form. Possible values are: Standard, Static, Dynamic.
fieldsGets list of all fields in lowest level of hierarhical form.
signatures_existIf set, the document contains at least one signature field.
signatures_append_onlyIf set, the document contains signatures that may be invalidated if the file is saved (written) in a way that alters its previous contents,
as opposed to an incremental update.
sign_dependent_elements_rendering_mode_when_convertedForms can contain signing information, i.e. can be signed or unsigned.
And form’s view sometimes must depend on whether form is signed or not.
This property tells to form’s converter (f.e. during conversion XFA form to Standard form)
whether result form must be rendered as signed or as unsigned.


[index]Gets field of the form by field index.


delete(field)Delete field from the form.
delete(field_name)Deletes field from the form by its name.
add(field, page_number)Adds field on the form.
add(field)Adds field on the form.
add(field, partial_name, page_number)Adds new field to the form; If this field is already placed on other or this form, the copy of field is created.
has_field(field)Check if the form already has specified field.
has_field(field_name)Determines if the field with specified name already added to the Form.
copy_to(array, index)Copies fields placed on the form into array.
flatten()Removes all form fields and place their values directly on the page.
add_field_appearance(field, page_number, rect)Adds additional appearance of the field to specified page of the document in the specified location.
get_fields_in_rect(rect)Returns fields inside of specified rectangle.

See Also