
AttributeName class

Represents class for Attribute Name Values.

The AttributeName type exposes the following members:


nameGets name value of attribute.
attribute_keyGets attribute key.
PLACEMENT_BLOCKAttribute Placement: Block - Stacked in the block-progression direction within an enclosing reference area or parent BLSE.
PLACEMENT_INLINEAttribute Placement: Inline - Packed in the inline-progression direction within an enclosing BLSE.
PLACEMENT_BEFOREAttribute Placement: Before - Placed so that the before edge of the element’s allocation rectangle coincides with that of the nearest enclosing reference area.
PLACEMENT_STARTAttribute Placement: Start - Placed so that the start edge of the element’s allocation rectangle coincides with that of the nearest enclosing reference area.
PLACEMENT_ENDAttribute Placement: End - Placed so that the end edge of the element’s allocation rectangle coincides with that of the nearest enclosing reference area.
WRITING_MODE_LR_TBAttribute WritingMode: LrTb - Inline progression from left to right; block progression from top to bottom. This is the typical writing mode for Western writing systems.
WRITING_MODE_RL_TBAttribute WritingMode: RlTb - Inline progression from right to left; block progression from top to bottom. This is the typical writing mode for Arabic and Hebrew writing systems.
WRITING_MODE_TB_RLAttribute WritingMode: TbRl - Inline progression from top to bottom; block progression from right to left. This is the typical writing mode for Chinese and Japanese writing systems.
BORDER_STYLE_NONEAttribute BorderStyle: None - No border. Forces the computed value of BorderThicknessto be 0.
BORDER_STYLE_HIDDENAttribute BorderStyle: Hidden - Same as None, except in terms of border conflict resolution for table elements.
BORDER_STYLE_DOTTEDAttribute BorderStyle: Dotted - The border is a series of dots.
BORDER_STYLE_DASHEDAttribute BorderStyle: Dashed - The border is a series of short line segments.
BORDER_STYLE_SOLIDAttribute BorderStyle: Solid - The border is a single line segment.
BORDER_STYLE_DOUBLEAttribute BorderStyle: Double - The border is two solid lines. The sum of the two lines and the space between them equals the value of BorderThickness.
BORDER_STYLE_GROOVEAttribute BorderStyle: Groove - The border looks as though it were carved into the canvas.
BORDER_STYLE_RIDGEAttribute BorderStyle: Ridge - The border looks as though it were coming out of the canvas (the opposite of Groove).
BORDER_STYLE_INSETAttribute BorderStyle: Inset - The border makes the entire box look as though it were embedded in the canvas.
BORDER_STYLE_OUTSETAttribute BorderStyle: Outset - The border makes the entire box look as though it were coming out of the canvas (the opposite of Inset).
TEXT_ALIGN_STARTAttribute TextAlign: Start - Aligned with the start edge.
TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERAttribute TextAlign: Center - Centered between the start and end edges.
TEXT_ALIGN_ENDAttribute TextAlign: End - Aligned with the end edge.
TEXT_ALIGN_JUSTIFYAttribute TextAlign: Justify - Aligned with both the start and end edges, with internal spacing within each line expanded, if necessary, to achieve such alignment. The last (or only) line shall be aligned with the start edge only.
WIDTH_AUTOAttribute Width: Auto - the element’s width shall be determined by the intrinsic width of its content.
HEIGHT_AUTOAttribute Height: Auto - The element’s height shall be determined by the intrinsic height of its content.
BLOCK_ALIGN_BEFOREAttribute BlockAlign: Before - Before edge of the first child’s allocation rectangle aligned with that of the table cell’s content rectangle.
BLOCK_ALIGN_MIDDLEAttribute BlockAlign: Middle- Children centered within the table cell. The distance between the before edge of the first child’s allocation rectangle and that of the table cell’s content rectangle shall be the same as the distance between the after edge of the last child’s allocation rectangle and that of the table cell’s content rectangle.
BLOCK_ALIGN_AFTERAttribute BlockAlign: After - After edge of the last child’s allocation rectangle aligned with that of the table cell’s content rectangle.
BLOCK_ALIGN_JUSTIFYAttribute BlockAlign: Justify - Children aligned with both the before and after edges of the table cell’s content rectangle. The first child shall be placed as described for Before and the last child as described for After, with equal spacing between the children. If there is only one child, it shall be aligned with the before edge only, as for Before.
INLINE_ALIGN_STARTAttribute InlineAlign: Start - Start edge of each child’s allocation rectangle aligned with that of the table cell’s content rectangle.
INLINE_ALIGN_CENTERAttribute InlineAlign: Center - Each child centered within the table cell. The distance between the start edges of the child’s allocation rectangle and the table cell’s content rectangle shall be the same as the distance between their end edges.
INLINE_ALIGN_ENDAttribute InlineAlign: End - End edge of each child’s allocation rectangle aligned with that of the table cell’s content rectangle.
LINE_HEIGHT_NORMALAttribute LineHeight: Normal - Adjust the line height to include any nonzero value specified for BaselineShift.
LINE_HEIGHT_AUTOAttribute LineHeight: Auto - Adjustment for the value of BaselineShift shall not be made.
TEXT_DECORATION_TYPE_NONEAttribute TextDecorationType: None - No text decoration.
TEXT_DECORATION_TYPE_UNDERLINEAttribute TextDecorationType: Underline - A line below the text.
TEXT_DECORATION_TYPE_OVERLINEAttribute TextDecorationType: Overline - A line above the text.
TEXT_DECORATION_TYPE_LINE_THROUGHAttribute TextDecorationType: LineThrough - A line through the middle of the text.
RUBY_ALIGN_STARTAttribute RubyAlign: Start - The content shall be aligned on the start edge in the inline-progression direction.
RUBY_ALIGN_CENTERAttribute RubyAlign: Center - The content shall be centered in the inline-progression direction.
RUBY_ALIGN_ENDAttribute RubyAlign: End - The content shall be aligned on the end edge in the inline-progression direction.
RUBY_ALIGN_JUSTIFYAttribute RubyAlign: Justify - The content shall be expanded to fill the available width in the inline-progression direction.
RUBY_ALIGN_DISTRIBUTEAttribute RubyAlign: Distribute - The content shall be expanded to fill the available width in the inline-progression direction. However, space shall also be inserted at the start edge and end edge of the text. The spacing shall be distributed using a 1:2:1 (start:infix:end) ratio. It shall be changed to a 0:1:1 ratio if the ruby appears at the start of a text line or to a 1:1:0 ratio if the ruby appears at the end of the text line.
RUBY_POSITION_BEFOREAttribute RubyPosition: Before - The RT content shall be aligned along the before edge of the element.
RUBY_POSITION_AFTERAttribute RubyPosition: After - The RT content shall be aligned along the after edge of the element.
RUBY_POSITION_WARICHUAttribute RubyPosition: Warichu - The RT and associated RP elements shall be formatted as a warichu, following the RB element.
RUBY_POSITION_INLINEAttribute RubyPosition: Inline - The RT and associated RP elements shall be formatted as a parenthesis comment, following the RB element.
GLYPH_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL_AUTOAttribute GlyphOrientationVertical: Auto - Specifies a default orientation for text, depending on whether it is fullwidth (as wide as it is high).
LIST_NUMBERING_NONEAttribute ListNumbering: None - No autonumbering; Lbl elements (if present) contain arbitrary text not subject to any numbering scheme.
LIST_NUMBERING_DISCAttribute ListNumbering: Disc - Solid circular bullet.
LIST_NUMBERING_CIRCLEAttribute ListNumbering: Circle - Open circular bullet.
LIST_NUMBERING_SQUAREAttribute ListNumbering: Square - Solid square bullet.
LIST_NUMBERING_DECIMALAttribute ListNumbering: Decimal - Decimal arabic numerals (1-9, 10-99, …).
LIST_NUMBERING_UPPER_ROMANAttribute ListNumbering: UpperRoman - Uppercase roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, …).
LIST_NUMBERING_LOWER_ROMANAttribute ListNumbering: LowerRoman - Lowercase roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, …).
LIST_NUMBERING_UPPER_ALPHAAttribute ListNumbering: UpperAlpha - Uppercase letters (A, B, C, …).
LIST_NUMBERING_LOWER_ALPHAAttribute ListNumbering: LowerAlpha - Lowercase letters (a, b, c, …).
ROLE_RBAttribute Role: rb - Radio button.
ROLE_CBAttribute Role: cb - Check box.
ROLE_PBAttribute Role: pb - Push button.
ROLE_TVAttribute Role: tv - Text-value field.
CHECKED_ONAttribute checked: On - The state of a radio button or check box field.
CHECKED_OFFAttribute checked: Off - The state of a radio button or check box field.
CHECKED_NEUTRALAttribute checked: Neutral - The state of a radio button or check box field.
SCOPE_ROWAttribute Scope: Row.
SCOPE_COLUMNAttribute Scope: Column.
SCOPE_BOTHAttribute Scope: Both.


from_name_attribute_key(name, attribute_key)Gets attribute name for attribute key.

See Also