
ToUnicodeProcessingRules class

This class describes rules which can be used to solve Adobe Preflight error
“Text cannot be mapped to Unicode”.

The ToUnicodeProcessingRules type exposes the following members:


ToUnicodeProcessingRules(remove_spaces)Initializes a new instance of the ToUnicodeProcessingRules class
ToUnicodeProcessingRules(remove_spaces, map_non_linked_unicodes_on_space)Initializes a new instance of the ToUnicodeProcessingRules class


remove_spaces_from_c_map_namesSome fonts have ToUnicode character code maps with spaces in names. These spaces could call errors
with unicode text mapping. This flag commands to remove spaces from names of ToUnicode character code maps.
By default false.
map_non_linked_symbols_on_spaceSome fonts doesn’t provide information about unicodes for some text symbols.
This lack of information calls an error “Text cannot be mapped to Unicode”.
Use this flag to map non-linked symbols on unicode “space”(code 32).

See Also